Why Lamidi Apapa is Trending Today, August 24, 2023



The latest update on Lamidi Apapa is that he has been affirmed as the Labour Party National Chairman by the Court of Appeal in Owerri, Imo State. The court also sacked Julius Abure, who was the former chairman of the party. This follows a legal battle between the two factions over the leadership and representation of the party. The court’s decision was announced on Thursday, August 24, 2023.

Apapa is also involved in another controversy over the presidential election petitions tribunal. He has given the lawyers representing the party’s presidential candidate, Peter Obi, a 48-hour ultimatum to brief him on the ongoing case. He claims that he has the right to be in charge of the party and its affairs. He also accuses Obi of being a liar and a traitor for conceding defeat and aligning with the president-elect, Bola Tinubu.

Lamidi Apapa’s actions and statements have generated a lot of reactions and opinions on social media, especially among the supporters and critics of the Labour Party. There have been jokes about how his own party members have disgraced and abandoned him, while others have praised him as a brave and patriotic Nigerian fighting for justice and democracy.

The reactions of Peter Obi and other stakeholders to the court’s affirmation of Apapa as the party’s national chairman

The court’s affirmation of Apapa as the party’s national chairman has elicited mixed reactions from Peter Obi and other stakeholders in the Labour Party and the Nigerian political scene. Here are some of the reactions: Peter Obi, the former governor of Anambra State and the third-placed presidential candidate in the 2023 election, has strongly rejected the court’s ruling and vowed to challenge it in the Supreme Court. He said he was the rightful winner of the election and that the court’s decision was a travesty of justice. He accused Apapa and his faction of colluding with the ruling party and the electoral commission to rig the election and subvert the will of the people.

Lawyer Femi Falana, who represented the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) in their complaint against Abure’s faction, said the judgement was a setback for the labour movement and voiced his unhappiness with the court’s decision. He stated that the NLC and TUC would not recognise Apapa as the national head of the Labour Party until their claim to the party was resolved. He said that politicians seeking only personal gain had no place in a party created by labour.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the president-elect of Nigeria and the leader of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), has reacted to the court’s ruling with indifference and said it does not affect his mandate or agenda. He said he respects the judiciary and its decisions, but he is not concerned about who leads the opposition parties. He said he is focused on delivering good governance and development to Nigerians, regardless of their political affiliations.


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