Why Atiku and Peter Obi Should Rather Support President Tinubu’s Government – 9News Nigeria


Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu
Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu

By Obinna Ejianya (9News Nigeria – Melbourne, Australia)

There is a saying that “After rain comes the sunshine,” and this has been a phenomenon about life. No matter what happens, there will always be a turn of events and new tides. Life must continue irrespective of the person that died. This phenomenon is inadvertently the path for Nigeria at this moment irrespective of the deserved rights or wrongs.

In the aftermath of the 2023 presidential election tribunal verdict, which reaffirmed Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the elected President of Nigeria, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar refuted the verdict. In furtherance of his legal proceedings, Atiku filed a suit in a US court challenging the authenticity of President Tinubu’s Chicago State University certificate among other contentions. This move has caused a considerable stir in the Nigerian political landscape. As concerned citizens, it is crucial to examine the implications of this Chicago court debacle and its potential impact on the nation and resort to ‘the way forward’.

In retrospect of the outcome of the Chicago State University Certificate debacle, Nigeria as a nation that is holding the lives of over 200 million people must have to ‘move on’, irrespective of the sordid saga surrounding the emergence of her leader, as it were.

In the spirit of patriotism, we must gather reasonable momentum to move on with the governance of the country and ensure that legible and workable policies are put in place and accomplished to enhance the welfare of the majority of Nigerians.

The above emphasis is cogent enough for the PDP and Labour Party presidential aspirants, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar and Mr Peter Obi to bury their hatchets, put their swords back in their sheaths and join hands with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to move the government forward, in the right direction. The suffering majority of Nigerians should be considered paramountly, as they are the ones bearing the brunt of the bad leadership that has hunted the country for too long.

It is indisputable that the Chicago State University Certificate investigations, resulting from Atiku Abubakar’s lawsuit, have raised questions about the legitimacy of President Tinubu’s credentials. While it is important to uphold the principles of transparency and accountability, it is equally crucial to ensure that due process is followed in addressing such concerns. Whereas the Chicago court case provided an opportunity to thoroughly investigate the authenticity of President Tinubu’s educational qualifications and other contentious issues, it is timely apt to put any doubts to rest, put the interest of the people first and foster good governance.

Good governance is the foundation of a prosperous and equitable society. It encompasses transparency, accountability, and effective leadership. Nigeria, as a nation with vast potential, requires strong governance to address the challenges it faces. Supporting President Tinubu’s government presents an opportunity to promote good governance and ensure the interests of the suffering poor Nigerians are safeguarded.

Therefore, if indeed Atiku and Peter Obi have the interest of the poor Nigerians at heart, as they professed, then let them discontinue the dragging of matters and ensure good governance under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

The suffering poor Nigerians bear the greater brunt of wrong policies, bad leadership and lack of opportunities. By playing a strong role as opposition, to check and balance President Tinubu’s government, Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi can contribute to alleviating the struggles faced by these vulnerable members of society. Through effective policies and targeted interventions, the government can create an enabling environment for economic growth and social development, ultimately improving the lives of the suffering poor Nigerians.

President Tinubu’s government has made promises during its inauguration and thereafter engaged in public addresses that ostensibly portend possible good outcomes. The administration has emphasized the need for economic growth, job creation, and infrastructure development. Efforts have been made to tackle corruption and enhance the efficiency of public institutions. However, challenges remain, and it is crucial for key figures like Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi to lend their support and expertise in order to propel the government towards its goals.

Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi, as experienced politicians and statesmen, have a crucial role to play in supporting President Tinubu’s government. Their experience and knowledge can contribute significantly to shaping policies and strategies that address the needs of Nigerians across various sectors. By working together, they can ensure that the government’s actions are aligned with the interests of the people and promote inclusive development.

Corroborating President Tinubu’s government can be instrumental in promoting good governance in Nigeria. By actively engaging in constructive opposition roles, promulgating shadow policies, dialogue and providing valuable insights, Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi can help shape policies and initiatives that prioritize the welfare of the suffering poor Nigerians. Their involvement can ensure that the government remains accountable, transparent, and responsive to the needs of the people.

Supporting President Tinubu’s government presents several potential benefits for the nation. With the collective efforts of Atiku Abubakar, Peter Obi, and other key stakeholders, the government can implement meaningful reforms that address critical issues such as cushioning the harsh effect of the fuel subsidy removal as it were. Other critical issues that need addressing include youth unemployment, healthcare, education, and infrastructure. By leveraging their experience and networks, they can attract investments, foster innovation, and drive sustainable development for the benefit of all Nigerians.

Atiku and Peter Obi can synergise, amass resources and prepare for the next presidential election when they will reinforce and reinvent all the politicking strategies and skills they have learnt, and beat Tinubu in the next presidential election.

Counterarguments Against Supporting President Tinubu’s Government

While supporting President Tinubu’s government holds significant potential, it is important to acknowledge and address counterarguments. Some may argue that the Chicago court debacle undermines the credibility of President Tinubu’s government. Others may express concerns about the concentration of power or potential conflicts of interest. These counterarguments should be taken into account and addressed through transparent dialogue and effective governance mechanisms.

If the political contest continues, it would only put Tinubu’s administration in a devious defensive mode at the expense of good governance. Tinubu would wield the advantages of the power of incumbency to waste public resources in covering bad tracts and laundering bad leadership.

Fallacious and fictitious rhetorics will be heavily employed to convince Nigerians that his government is making progress, whereas suffering and dilapidated infrastructures would prove otherwise.

Propaganda and dubious schemes will take the place of good governance and transparency just as in the case of the previous administration which concentrated more on convincing Nigerians with words and schemes rather than actions while Nigeria wallowed into abysmal degeneration.

Nigeria will not be able to bear another 8 years of fake administration where the government of the day would be spending more money and time to placate suffering Nigerians through deceptive schemes and propaganda instead of executing good policies that would improve the economy and provide good infrastructures for the benefit of everyone.

Let us join hands and work towards a Nigeria where good governance prevails. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of the suffering poor Nigerians. Ultimately, poverty alleviation undermines the proliferation of other social vices such as criminality, insecurity and corruption in the public service sector.

By Obinna Ejianya (9News Nigeria – Melbourne, Australia)

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