Peter Obi Celebrates Easter With Prisoners, Encourages Hope And Redemption


Labour Party Presidential Candidate in the 2023 general election, Peter Obi, celebrated Easter with prisoners at the Correctional Center in Onitsha, Anambra State, where he delivered a message of hope and redemption.

Addressing the inmates, Obi urged them not to feel isolated or defeated, noting that everyone in Nigeria is, in a sense, imprisoned, seeking freedom and redemption.

He drew parallels to the story of Mary Magdalene, who, despite her past, was the first to witness the resurrected Christ, highlighting the possibility of transformation and redemption for all.

Peter Obi
Peter Obi

The Easter mass, presided over by the Archbishop of Onitsha Catholic Archdiocese, His Grace Valerie Okeke, emphasized the theme of transformation.

Archbishop Okeke encouraged the inmates to believe in their potential for greatness and societal impact, drawing inspiration from Mary Magdalene’s transformation.

The celebration included cultural performances by the inmates, showcasing their talents and expressing gratitude to Obi, whom they hailed as a friend and father figure.

Obi has continued this tradition of celebrating Easter with prisoners since his tenure as Governor of Anambra State (2006 to 2014), demonstrating his commitment to uplifting the incarcerated and promoting the message of hope and redemption.

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