Labour Party candidate Peter Obi congratulates newly sworn-in Governor Ademola Adeleke


Peter Obi Congratulates Adeleke On Taking Over As Osun Governor


The Presidential candidate of the Labour Party (@NgLabour), Peter Obi (@PeterObi), has taken to his verified Twitter handle to congratulate the newly sworn-in Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke (@AAdeleke_01).

Obi tweeted, โ€œI congratulate the Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke, and the good people of Osun State, on his inauguration and formal commencement of the elected mandate of his people.

โ€œBeyond our partisanship in politics, every successful manifestation of the democratic process, above all impediments, is a triumph of the true will of the majority and a source of shared joy to all who desire the best for our dear country.

โ€œI salute the doggedness and resilience of Governor Adeleke, and wish him a fruitful and productive tenure, in the service of his people,โ€ he added.

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