1. Hi @042Solex_Lucky good evening this is a message from US. Tell the owner of Rico Tomatoe Company to leave that pregnant woman he is suing to court alone. Because what she was saying is real and is true. Because each of every tomato and everything in the can is saved by vinegar, salt, and sugar a lot. That is why it will not smell and be used as a preservative. If he bothers that woman again. This is a strong message. We will show all over the world even the judge how the canned tomato is made. Because canned tomato is made by corn starch, tomato, vinegar, a lot of sugar and salt for preserving it and sometimes color. Announce it to that man to leave that pregnant woman alone. Because if he continues pursuing that case we will expose everything. We made tomato so let him leave that pregnant wlman or he will be put to jail alone immediately. She is pregnant she tasted too much sugar what is wrong with that and I will like you to announce it to every Nigerian around the world that everything we save in the can is used for preservatives salt, sugar, and vinegar. And I want that guy to leave that woman alone. And let the judge ask have you ever put sugar in the canned tomato. The pregnant woman is saying the truth. If he denies it he can go to jail. They use cornstarch to make it thick. So let him leave that woman alone immediately before he will hear it everywhere


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