Another Baby Factory Business Uncovered In Imo State


A Baby Factory, managed by a man who claims he is a medical doctor, was on Wednesday uncovered by the police in Imo State.

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  1. Some times I ask myself how is something like this possible where people are living,I know that this doctor will be a father ,husband and most likely a professing Christian,but yet with no conscience. I do not believe that Nigeria will get any better because no agency is working in the country

  2. Channels tv wil open d comment sections bcos it's d Igbos,but many atimes wil block it from public comments when it comes to govt or there own people.Double standards!! Well, may God safe our land from all ds evil acts,imagine 100k for a baby .Chineke mere anyi ebere

  3. So the babies are sold for rituals?? That means they are killed for some stupid magic promise that has NEVER WORKED!!! This is the 21st century…you ppl have got to stop all these stupid fake magic tricks they NEVER WORK!!!

  4. Jesus loves you, believe in Him and His finished Work of unddeserved Mercy and be saved and allive and free forever. Free from sin, but also free from curse of law. Become Children of The One and Only Living and Allmighty God Maker of Life, our Heavenly Justice, Truth and Love- Abba. Never let anyone scare you about God. And Yes it is this simple, we must do nothing or can add nothing to His Mercy, just believe. For just as a Father here on Earth who is trully loving and good would save his Child or Children from Drowning risk or give his own Life for them, the Kids must do nothing except stay in His Arms and believe him, and not struggle. Yes and how much more do you think and feel Truth oft The Maker of ALL Life, our Heavenly "ABBA" loves us and does not want us to Perish, This is why Jesus came, not to make some new religion or to judge the world, but as it is writen To SAVE WHAT WAS LOST; TO SAVE THE WORLD- ALL HUMANS IN IT, who believe in Him and What HE DID; so we can be reconciled with HIM The Maker of all Life, and be forgiven our sins, bc HE paid with His sinless Life. And He fullfilled The Law for us, bc noone no sinfull human, and this is ALL except Jesus who did not sin at all, could fullfill the Law of God. So this is His Mercy for us. Again trust Him by believing this His Finished Work of unddeserved Mercy and in Him and you are forever saved, have eternal Life in Peace, Freedom and Joy with Him as ABBA. <3


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