Sources say 2 more hostages released by Hamas


Two more hostages have been released from Hamas custody following Qatari and Egyptian mediation, according to two Israeli officials and two other sources briefed on the matter. Hamas also said it released two hostages, according to a statement from Hamas spokesperson Abu Obaida. CNN reached out to the Israeli military, which declined to comment on the statement. The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office also said they have no comment. CNN’s Alex Marquardt and Kaitlan Collins provide updates. #CNN #News



  1. Why is the US still supporting a country that was responsible for assassinating JFK (once he found out about Israel's illicit/illegal nuclear program, and threatened to stop it)???

    Oh, yeah, that's right, silly me, I forgot; its because Israel has every US politician in their back pocket.

  2. so called terrorists treated hostage with humanity and civilization , so called civilized world use terrorism to treat civilians. western media brain washes US.

  3. 德國企業是否還要不要臉,來挺以色列持續轟炸加薩地區,聯合國181號決議因同情猶太人被納碎希特勒大量殺害,而同意在巴勒斯坦地區建國,而後來以色列人大量違法佔領巴勒斯坦人土地,並大量殺害巴勒斯坦人,巴勒斯坦人等於是替德國人還債,還有臉出來挺以色列,應該是替巴勒斯坦人發聲,請求停止轟炸加薩地區*

  4. The Israeli army was angry about the release as the Hostages were actually friendly with the Hamas even thanking them as they were released. The Israeli government also refuses to negotiate for more.

  5. UN🇺🇳 must end Israel occupation in West Bank & Golan. UK🇬🇧 responsible in Palestine conflict. Balfour declaration issued by UK (1917), which announced for establishment "national home for jewish people" in Palestine. At that time, Palestine was teritory Ottoman empire & Jews in Palestine were still minority.

  6. Hey Fake News, please show us the whole interview without changing anything of his speech, we know that you only like lies and inventing things but for once try to tell the truth. Thank you🙌 fake news


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