Man who entered amusement park with guns, explosives found dead near words on a wall


A 20-year-old man found dead in a bathroom at an amusement park in Glenwood Springs on Saturday was armed with multiple guns, loaded magazines and explosive devices. Words on written on a bathroom stall where he was found said, “I am not a killer,” according to authorities.

The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office responded Saturday morning to a report of a deceased man at the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park. Based upon a preliminary investigation, it appeared he illegally entered the park after hours.

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  1. Only in the US would people respect a potential mass shooter , you people have some serious issues over there 🤣🤣😭, the guy was about to go on a killing spree and you are all saying “respect “ and “RIP”

  2. Interesting that news sources don't correlate. Other news say he had "military" issued firearms, body armor and explosives. Who is giving these kids "ghost guns" or military grade equipment???

  3. AR-15 is NOT a style of rifle it is a specific make and model. NO 'AR' does not stand for assault rifle. It is Armalite model 15. One would think that as journalists you would want to get your information right so you can sound a little smarter than you do. If you going to include information on firearms in your reporting at least get it right. So often journalists use "AR STYLE" in reporting when most of the time the firearm turns out to not be an AR 15 at all. Or are you purposely trying to make it sound spooky to help push anti-gun propaganda? Be a real journalists and get it right.

  4. May your soul find peace and your sacrifice inspire others also in a dark place or struggling, mercy and peace be upon you, I'm sure your struggle against dark will be recognized, even if you had to take your life to stop it at the end.

  5. He had guns and bombs and the government should have a monopoly on that because how else will they protect us from monopolies since monopolies are violent?

    Civilization is a physical manifestation of psychopathy which is why it causes mental illness.
    • Everything relies on Ad Baculum.
    • Everyone but you owns your time.
    — Instead of lashing out at those who claim to own you, you react at others who are owned (Road Rage).
    • Money is a device designed specifically to limit access to energy (debt: housing, medicine, education, transport).
    • Take a number, sit still, pushover is a virtue, speak only when spoken to, self-defense is violence (offense becomes defense defense becomes offense), equivocations Ad Nauseam, rights are just allowances,
    hierarchy = equality…
    • From the foundation, your building materials are Logical Fallacies. Don't expect apples from orange seeds.
    Malum In Se
    Malum Prohibitum

    Nothing moral requires authority. Authority is the claim to the exclusive exemption to morality. It is a monopoly on violence. Violence is a violation because it is the initiation of aggression, not self-defense. Offense/defense are ontologically distinct. All crime has a legal equivalent (ie, taxation is extortion).

    Warren v. District of Columbia
    Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales
    DeShaney v. Winnebago County
    Lozito v. New York City

    You are legally compelled via the logical fallacies Ad Populum, Ad Baculum and Ad Verecundiam to pay for protection that they are not legally obligated to provide. That's a mafia.


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