Hear what Trump reportedly said about injured veteran after this hug


In a new profile in The Atlantic, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley says former President Donald Trump instructed him to not bring wounded veterans to public events. #CNN #News



  1. I am a veteran and I proudly served. Trump's remarks are disturbing. During the end of the Vietnam war a young man I knew who was apart of my extended family was drafted and he gave his all defending this country. He died in Vietnam while pulling guard duty. And, to hear the comments Trump spoke to General Miley about the wounded veteran is disgusting immoral, disheartening to say the least.

  2. This just 100% confirms the “suckers and losers” comment, that was just confirmed by John Kelly. Now you have General Milley and John Kelly telling horrible things that were said. Why would they lie. They wouldn’t lie about something like this.

  3. Does anyone have actual audio footage? Are we all just going to leave what some dude said which could have been a paid actor or line how do you know if that guy was not being honest? See we all want to judge what and be fed by media instead of trying to figure out the bottom of it. Now if there is audio of him actually saying that then yes of course that's horrible but if there's not it's just he said she said journalism. I'm just saying watch out folks CNN's has been caught for their lives many times people have been lying for many times people have been paid off to say things that aren't true y'all remember the me too movement? And how a lot of that was falsified which was a slap in the face for people that actually had to go through that. Just like covid I've met people where they want to go get a test they registered for it however they were standing in line they had to go back to work but yet somehow they got their results back and I've seen the results they said they were positive and proven but yet they're not even take the test. Or in addition to people that got killed with gunshots and had covid in their system the reports were counting that as a covid death. Remember folks you live in a world where there is a master receiver behind all this stuff that came to kill still and destroy. You live in a world where power corrupts and people with corruption power want to stay in power. I'm not picking sides I'm just simply asking questions from life experience and seeing all these different types of people and also seeing good and evil people.

  4. My grandfather was in world war 1 my father and eight of his brother's room or or 2 one was stationed in Washington the rest went to war my mother's brother died in Korea my cousin died in Vietnam I dare him to talk about veterans Isa disgusting five-time draft dodger a coward if your research you find his grandfather got kicked out of Germany cuz he was a coward and wouldn't join the military they told him never to come back none of his boys were in the looks like a family of cowards

  5. Russian collusion, four court dates, sue me here sue me there, six attempts on his life…I believe Trump is a freaking warrior…CNN if it wasn't for tax payer dollars you would have nothing to stand on.

  6. Not too surprised. Those that know Trump know what a fake he is. He cheats at golf and lies about almost anything. Trump, with Borderline personality disorder (BPD), is a great salesman. He believes that anyone who isn't a millionaire is an idiot, but has successfully sold himself as a man of the people.

  7. So I’ve seen videos now where Milley and Jeffrey Goldberg both are credited with stating that Trump said this. Lets look at WHY the ALLEGE President Trump said this: 1. neither Milley or Goldberg want Trump re-elected. a. Milley knows he FAILED in Afghanistan and will be fired as soon as Trump is re-elected. b. Jeffrey Goldberg is a liberal and is against Trumps conservative, pro-Israel stance. Goldberg has been separated as s contributing author to Haretz Israel, an Israeli news outlet, where he was hyper critical of the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and the existence of Israel as an “occupying force.”

    So did Trump actually say that. I seriously doubt it, but like Goldberg, I wasn’t there.
    Trump is unapologetically pro-American and pro-US Military. Trump built up our military which kept America safe, he filled our oil reserves, which are needed for national defense and he built up our ammunitions.
    Biden has drained our oil reserves, he announced to the world, in a press conference, that the US Military is out of ammunition!!Biden commanded the worst US military withdrawal in US history causing unnecessary loss of life and abandonment of 1,000 Americans behind enemy lines! Biden gave a list of those 1,000 Americans to the head of the Taliban! Biden then shut down crowd funding sites to rescue our people and he threatened jail time for any veteran who went in to rescue the US citizens that Biden abandoned while loading cargo planes full of unvetted Afghan nationals. Biden, is not pro-US military. In one day over the course of the most bungled withdrawal, Biden armed, equipped, outfitted and funded the enemy terrorists that we fought for 20 years! Rendering the death and maiming of every military member in Afghanistan USELESS!
    Our men and women in uniform were today to drop everything and make their way to the Kabul airport for immediate evacuation.
    They made their way through the streets with the TALIBAN waving OUR weapons, driving OUR military vehicles and wearing OUR uniforms with OUR people’s names sill on them!!!

    Immediately after we left Afghanistan, China sent representatives to help the Taliban access their new found technology! Days later China announced they now consider themselves to be military equals with the US and they began offensive and dangerous harassment of our military all over the world!!

    Trump is anti-United Nations. 90% of UN sanctions are against Israel, our ally! He is anti-UN Agenda 2030 that is posted on the UN site. If you haven’t, read it! It’s a blue print for World domination under one supreme leader. It is the death of personal freedom.

    Biden supports the UN!

  8. Go ahead MAGA puppets. You keep up with the BS that Trump loves our troops. He's a drifter, a conman, a 2 bit hustler. As a vet, I feel sorry for you and your twisted beliefs.

  9. It took him that long? Although in reading more about Millie , and some of the things that he said publicly, he’s clearly a good decent man who truly cares about America it’s peoples… and has done his best to serve the country without partisanship. Gee! with a novel concept these days


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