Debris field located by team looking for missing F-35 fighter jet in South Carolina


A debris field was located in South Carolina amid the U.S. military’s search for a missing F-35 fighter jet. The jet was flying near Charleston on Sunday when it experienced a mishap. The pilot ejected safely but the jet continued to fly and disappeared. NBC News’ Courtney Kube has more details.

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#FighterJet #SouthCarolina #Debris



  1. We’ve been through this whenever Hunter, Biden was in hot water about his charges that stupid submarine went missing all of a sudden now it’s time for trial. What do you know? Coincidentally a plane goes missing that’s $80 billion. It’s all a cover-up.

  2. All Stores Please Lower the price of all Military and Local for all Brands Jet Products and Accessories and Production Cost Now That's too much,$$ The Whole World Now 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Beaware the crash scene has been staged ,the debris field, the minimal damage to the vegetation is not what should be seen with a plane crash. If a pilot is on a training mission,flying at the controls ,why was it on auto pilot. This plane is capable of flying and landing on its own and in less than 30 min could be flown to Cuba for the Chinese to gain knowledge on its superiority.

  4. Всякий раз, когда читаю или слышу о катастрофах при спаренных или коллективных полетах нескольких летательных аппаратов, имею подозрение, что физической причиной крушения может быть маневрирование в разогретом от раскаленной земли разреженном слое воздуха, в котором управление воздушными рулями слабее работает, создавая у летчика впечатление, будто машина не слушается воздушных рулей (закрылков, пропеллера на хвосте вертолета и другого «оперения»).
    Об этом оставил подробные Комментарии на:

  5. you know how wrong this sounds? Pilot ejected safely, but the jet kept flying normally? Why would he need to eject?

    What really happened, the mishap was the pilot being ejected, whether by some system failure or the pilot messed up BAD.


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