Breaking News: Explosion and gunfire heard in the Turkish capital Ankara


We have some breaking news from Turkey.
Local media are reporting, there’s been an explosion and gunfire in the heart of the capital Ankara, near the parliament building.
We understand police have closed this area.

Let’s get the latest from Sinem Koseoglu in Istanbul

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#Turkey #BreakingNews #ankara

At around 09.30, 2 terrorists who came with a light commercial vehicle in front of the entrance gate of the General Directorate of Security of our Ministry of Internal Affairs, carried out a bomb attack. One of the terrorists blew himself up and the other terrorist was neutralized. During the fire, 2 Police…

Translated From TURKISH:

Saat 09.30 sıralarında İçişleri Bakanlığımız Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü giriş kapısı önüne hafif ticari araçla gelen 2 terörist bombalı saldırı eyleminde bulunmuştur. Teröristlerden biri kendini patlatmış, diğer terörist etkisiz hale getirilmiştir. Açılan ateş sırasında 2 Emniyet…



  1. U cannot distinguish who r terrorist and gov army in peacefull following countries, becoz each n everyone have the same peacefull spreading ideology😢

  2. This is the Kurdish response to Turkey's attacks on northern Syria and Iraq.
    Infants, women and the elderly are killed for no reason, churches, mosques, libraries and schools are bombed for no reason.

    Inshallah We will do more than that.
    Allah bless my Kurdish brosis ❤

  3. 'Cause baby, you're a firework 🎉
    Come on, show 'em what you're worth 👊🏼
    Make 'em go, "Oh, oh, oh" 😮
    As you shoot across the sky 🎆
    Baby, you're a firework 🎉
    Come on, let your colors burst 🏳️‍🌈
    Make 'em go, "Oh, oh, oh" 😧
    You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe 🤣🤣🤣

  4. The terrorist organization PKK is found to have used anti-tank rockets, produced by the US and Sweden, along with French-German joint productions, against Turkey.

    According to information Anadolu Agency obtained from security sources, the terror group targeted Turkish security elements in Syria, northern Iraq, and Turkey, using Swedish-produced AT-4, US-originated TOW as well as French-German MILAN anti-tank missiles


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