Saturday, June 29, 2024
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Tag: YangaLife

ONITSHA, ANAMBRA STATE: Regeneration Of Okpoko Is Fast Becoming A Reality

Okpoko emerges anew, its roads freshly reconstructed and its horizon adorned with the gleaming façade of a new general hospital, marking a transformative chapter...

The Situation Of Ekwulobia Street GRA, Awka, Anambra State

The gaping gully at Ekwulobia Street in GRA Awka stands as a stark reminder of societal neglect, its depths echoing the urgency for action...

ONITSHA, ANAMBRA STATE: The Okpoko General Hospital Is Now Commissioned

Marching forward in healthcare excellence, Okpoko General Hospital stands tall as a beacon of healing and hope, newly completed and commissioned on March 16th,...

Enugu-Onitsha Expressway Reconstruction Sparks the Highway At Agu-Awka, Anambra State

Agu-Awka echoes with the symphony of progress as the reconstruction of Enugu-Onitsha expressway unfolds, paving the way to a smoother journey ahead in Anambra...

ANAMBRA STATE: Amawbia to Ekwulobia Journey Amid Ongoing Nise Drainage Construction

Embarking on a scenic journey from Amawbia to Ekwulobia, the road unveils its transformation story, weaving through the ongoing symphony of drainage construction in...

Awka's Urban Revolution: MD ACTDA Mandates 4-Foot Setback for a Progressive...

ACTDA MD's visionary decree echoes: Building Anambra's future demands a mandatory 4 feet setback – a step back for a leap forward in sustainable...

AWKA, ANAMBRA STATE: A Price Odyssey at Umuokpu International Market for...

Exploring the heart of construction: a firsthand journey to Umuokpu's International Market, unveiling the current rhythm of prices for cement, rods, and more –...

Ugbenu,Anambrastate;Exposing the massive investment opportunities in Anambra towns,around...

Today I will be Driving through UgbEnu town in Anambra state ,showing you the massive investment Grip. Hope you find this video interesting...

ANAMBRA, NIGERIA: Crafting A Dynamic Mega Smart City, Where Street Beats...

Revolutionizing Anambra into a dynamic mega smart city – where every street breathes livability and innovation, crafting a state that's not just home, but...

Awka's Future Playground: Unveiling the Construction Marvel of Solution Fun City,...

Get ready for the excitement to unfold as the Solution Fun City in Awka is under construction – a vibrant hub of fun and...