#webdev – Goodnewsnigeria https://goodnewsnigeria.com There is Good in Nigeria. Sat, 13 Apr 2024 10:29:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 35090771 Programming Career Paths, Roadmaps, LeetCode, And Salaries https://goodnewsnigeria.com/opportunities/programming-career-paths-roadmaps-leetcode-and-salaries/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=programming-career-paths-roadmaps-leetcode-and-salaries https://goodnewsnigeria.com/opportunities/programming-career-paths-roadmaps-leetcode-and-salaries/#respond Mon, 08 Apr 2024 18:28:29 +0000 https://goodnewsnigeria.com/opportunities/programming-career-paths-roadmaps-leetcode-and-salaries/

Join my Discord community for free education https://discord.com/invite/Ac7CWREe58 ▻ Exclusive Lessons, Mentorship, And …


https://goodnewsnigeria.com/opportunities/programming-career-paths-roadmaps-leetcode-and-salaries/feed/ 0 409942
AI just officially took our jobs… I hate you Devin https://goodnewsnigeria.com/opportunities/ai-just-officially-took-our-jobs-i-hate-you-devin/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ai-just-officially-took-our-jobs-i-hate-you-devin https://goodnewsnigeria.com/opportunities/ai-just-officially-took-our-jobs-i-hate-you-devin/#respond Wed, 13 Mar 2024 18:27:04 +0000 https://goodnewsnigeria.com/opportunities/ai-just-officially-took-our-jobs-i-hate-you-devin/

Cognition Labs just unveiled a new AI coding tool called Devin that is designed to automate the job of software engineers.


https://goodnewsnigeria.com/opportunities/ai-just-officially-took-our-jobs-i-hate-you-devin/feed/ 0 391329
How programmers flex on each other https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/how-programmers-flex-on-each-other/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-programmers-flex-on-each-other https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/how-programmers-flex-on-each-other/#respond Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:40:38 +0000 https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/how-programmers-flex-on-each-other/

Top 10 ways developers flex on each other. Learn how to show off your achievements in the world of programming.

#programming #humor #top10

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🔖 Topics Covered

– How to offend a developer
– Ways that developers like to boast
– How linux users flex on each other
– Imposter syndrome for programmers
– Challenges of learning how to code


https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/how-programmers-flex-on-each-other/feed/ 0 208516
Mojo Lang… a fast futuristic Python alternative https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/mojo-lang-a-fast-futuristic-python-alternative/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mojo-lang-a-fast-futuristic-python-alternative https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/mojo-lang-a-fast-futuristic-python-alternative/#respond Thu, 04 May 2023 19:57:07 +0000 https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/mojo-lang-a-fast-futuristic-python-alternative/

Mojo is a new LLVM programming language designed as a superset of Python with the low-level performance of C. It is optimized to run on GPUs with CUDA and other exotic hardware for deep learning and Artificial Intelligence.

#programming #tech #thecodereport

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🔗 Resources

– Mojo Language https://www.modular.com/mojo
– @howardjeremyp Mojo Video https://youtu.be/6GvB5lZJqcE
– LLVM in 100 Seconds https://youtu.be/BT2Cv-Tjq7Q
– Python in 100 Seconds https://youtu.be/x7X9w_GIm1s
– Linear Algebra for Programmers https://youtu.be/bOCHTHkBoAs

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🔖 Topics Covered

– What is Mojo Language?
– Best Python alternative
– Is python slow?
– Futuristic AI programming languages
– Is mojo a python killer?
– Mojo vs Python
– Mojo vs Rust
– Mojo vs C++


https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/mojo-lang-a-fast-futuristic-python-alternative/feed/ 0 210486
10 Math Concepts for Programmers https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/10-math-concepts-for-programmers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=10-math-concepts-for-programmers https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/10-math-concepts-for-programmers/#respond Fri, 21 Apr 2023 18:33:00 +0000 https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/10-math-concepts-for-programmers/

Learn 10 essential math concepts for software engineering and technical interviews. Understand how programmers use mathematics in fields like AI, game dev, crypto, machine learning, and more.

#math #programming #top10

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🔗 Resources

Computer Science 101 https://youtu.be/-uleG_Vecis
Cryptography for Developers https://youtu.be/NuyzuNBFWxQ
Technical Interview Prep https://youtu.be/1t1_a1BZ04o

📚 Chapters

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🔖 Topics Covered

– Do programmers need math?
– Math tutorial for programming
– Machine learning math
– Do computer hackers use math?
– Linear algebra for programmers
– Boolean Algebra explained
– Combinatorics explained
– How does Big-O notation work


https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/10-math-concepts-for-programmers/feed/ 0 208478
Masterclass: AI-driven Development for Programmers https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/masterclass-ai-driven-development-for-programmers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=masterclass-ai-driven-development-for-programmers https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/masterclass-ai-driven-development-for-programmers/#respond Wed, 05 Apr 2023 19:14:18 +0000 https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/masterclass-ai-driven-development-for-programmers/

AI tools like ChatGPT and GPT-4 are changing the way programmers write code. Learn how build a React app with Typescript using with AI prompting and other tricks to speed up development.

#ai #programming #tutorial

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🔗 Resources

– ChatGPT https://chat.openai.com/
– React Docs https://react.dev/
– Automated workflow tweet https://twitter.com/mckaywrigley/status/1642948620604538880
– Copilot X https://youtu.be/q1HZj40ZQrM

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🔖 Topics Covered

– Building apps with AI
– AI pseudocode techniques
– Can ChatGPT build complete apps?
– GitHub Copilot X features
– Will AI replace programmers?
– TypeScript Tricks with ChatGPT
– How to use AI to code faster


https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/masterclass-ai-driven-development-for-programmers/feed/ 0 209668
God-Tier Developer Roadmap https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/god-tier-developer-roadmap/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=god-tier-developer-roadmap https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/god-tier-developer-roadmap/#respond Wed, 24 Aug 2022 17:05:46 +0000 https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/god-tier-developer-roadmap/

The programming iceberg is complete roadmap to the loved, hated, historical, and weird programming languages that you should now about. It starts with easy-to-learn coding tools, then descends into the most difficult low-level and esoteric languages.

Featuring C, C++, C#, F#, HolyC, C–, Java, JavaScript, Python, Rust, Fortran, Lisp, V, Nim, Zig, APL, Ada, COBOL, Haskell, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Swift, Lua, PHP, Elixir, Erlang, Chef, Malbolge, lolcode, emojicode, ASM and many more!

#programming #iceberg #learntocode

🔗 Resources

Programming Iceberg Meme https://twitter.com/programwithabhi/status/1562476800307261446
History of Computer Languages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_programming_languages
BrainF**K in 100 Seconds https://youtu.be/hdHjjBS4cs8
C in 100 Seconds https://youtu.be/U3aXWizDbQ4

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🔖 Topics Covered

– History of Programming Languages
– Programming Humor Memes
– Developer Roadmap for 2022
– What are programming languages used for?
– Most popular programming languages
– Which language is best to learn to code?
– How many programming languages are there?


https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/god-tier-developer-roadmap/feed/ 0 239098
10 Programmer Stereotypes https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/10-programmer-stereotypes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=10-programmer-stereotypes https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/10-programmer-stereotypes/#respond Fri, 20 May 2022 15:22:05 +0000 https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/10-programmer-stereotypes/

Programmers are weird. It is human nature to put people into a box with stereotypes and the tech industry is no exception. Let’s take a look at 10 common stereotypes people use for software engineers and developers https://fireship.io/pro

#tech #programming #comedy

💀 Other Funny, but Useless Videos

React for the Haters https://youtu.be/HyWYpM_S-2c
Java for the Haters https://youtu.be/m4-HM_sCvtQ

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🔖 Topics Covered

– What are programmer stereotypes?
– What are programmers really like?
– Code memes
– are all programmers introverts?
– programming humor
– jokes about code
– making fun of coders
– what is hacking really like?


https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/10-programmer-stereotypes/feed/ 0 213394
How to Learn to Code – 8 Hard Truths https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/how-to-learn-to-code-8-hard-truths/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-learn-to-code-8-hard-truths https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/how-to-learn-to-code-8-hard-truths/#respond Wed, 09 Feb 2022 15:45:16 +0000 https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/how-to-learn-to-code-8-hard-truths/

Learning to code can open many doors in life, but it’s NOT easy and NOT for everybody. Let’s take a look at 8 different techniques supported by science that can help you become a programmer faster. https://fireship.io/pro

#learntocode #tech #programming

🔗 Resources

Feynman Technique https://medium.com/taking-note/learning-from-the-feynman-technique-5373014ad230
How to Get a Tech Job https://youtu.be/Xg9ihH15Uto
Spacing Effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spacing_effect
Don’t Learn to Code https://techcrunch.com/2016/05/10/please-dont-learn-to-code/

📚 Chapters

00:00 Learn to Code
00:43 1. Hard Work
01:29 2. Patterns over Syntax
02:38 3. Stop Watching
03:22 4. Stay Healthy
03:47 5. Feynman Technique
05:00 6. Dopamine Hits
05:47 7. Not Too Hard tho
06:27 8. Learn Like a Pro

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🔖 Topics Covered

Is Learning to Code hard?
Can anybody learn to code?
Tips for learning programming
Staying healthy while coding
Is coding the new literacy?
How to use the Feynman technique
What is the best programming language to start with? Python, JS, Go, Swift, or Kotlin


https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/how-to-learn-to-code-8-hard-truths/feed/ 0 215562
Machine Learning Explained in 100 Seconds https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/machine-learning-explained-in-100-seconds/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=machine-learning-explained-in-100-seconds https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/machine-learning-explained-in-100-seconds/#respond Thu, 09 Sep 2021 17:31:56 +0000 https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/machine-learning-explained-in-100-seconds/

Machine Learning is the process of teaching a computer how perform a task with out explicitly programming it. The process feeds algorithms with large amounts of data to gradually improve predictive performance.

#ai #python #100SecondsOfCode

🔗 Resources

Machine Learning Tutorials https://fireship.io/tags/machine-learning/
What is ML https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/machine-learning
Neural Networks https://towardsdatascience.com/a-beginners-guide-to-convolutional-neural-networks-cnns-14649dbddce8
ML Wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_learning

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Topics Covered

– Convolutional Neural Networks
– Machine Learning Basics
– How Data Science Works
– Big Data and Feature Engineering
– Artificial Intelligence History
– Supervised Machine Learning


https://goodnewsnigeria.com/random/machine-learning-explained-in-100-seconds/feed/ 0 208442