tribunal – Goodnewsnigeria There is Good in Nigeria. Sun, 24 Sep 2023 16:56:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 35090771 LP chieftain says Obi appealing tribunal judgment is an exercise in futility Sun, 24 Sep 2023 16:56:13 +0000

LP chieftain says Obi appealing tribunal judgment is an exercise in futility

The coordinator of the 2023 Labour Party Presidential Campaign Council in Ekiti State, Moses Jolayemi, has said that Peter Obi’s attempt to appeal the tribunal ruling at the Supreme Court is an exercise in futility.


Jolayemi, who defected to Labour Party after serving as the chairman of Segun Oni’s media team when he contested the election on the platform of the Social Democratic Party, previously said that the Independent National Electoral Commission did not conduct a credible election in 2023.


However, speaking to Punch about Obi appealing the tribunal ruling at the Supreme Court, Jolayemi said the judgement delivered by the tribunal has been described as “very good” by analysts and he believes Obi’s attempt to appeal will be futile.


He told the publication: “I do not think that he is going to pull through at the Supreme Court or wherever.


“Senior advocates, analysts and enlightened people have all looked at the judgment and it was described as very good. I do not see how far he can go. 


“If you say a mandate is stolen, the onus is on you to prove it, and not only proving it, you have to prove it beyond reasonable and possibly unreasonable doubt. 


“The reality is that the President is installed and it is even more difficult now. From what we hear, he (Obi) was not able to prove his case convincingly. Your party won in a polling unit, you must have the result to show for that claim. It is not all about talking. The judges are also on social media, but they are concerned with facts and what is presented before them, not what is on social media or the interest of the people. 


“For me, I do not see this case going further because I do not know anything new that they want to plead at the Supreme Court; I consider it an exercise in futility.

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Peter Obi, Labour Party file appeal on 51 grounds as they head to Supreme Court Tue, 19 Sep 2023 21:58:04 +0000

Presidential Election Tribunal: Peter Obi, Labour Party file appeal on 51 grounds as they head to Supreme Court

The Labour Party and its presidential candidate in the February 25th presidential election, Peter Obi, has filed an appeal against the September 6, 2023 ruling of the Presidential Election Petition Court (PEPC) at the Supreme Court.

Labour Party’s lawyers led by Livy Uzokwu (SAN) approached the Supreme court on 51 grounds which they “termed an error in law to prove that President Bola Tinubu who was the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) did not win the election and that it was wrong for both INEC and the PEPC to declare him winner of the election when many incontrovertible points were proving otherwise.”

The National Publicity Secretary of Labour Party, Obiora Ifoh said this in a statement on Tuesday, September 19


The statement reads: 

“In their reliefs Obi and the Labour Party sought from the apex Court, four key points; Allow the Appeal, set aside the perverse Judgment of the PEPC, and grant the Reliefs sought in the petition, either in the main or in the alternative.


“On the issue of the 25% requirement for Abuja, Obi and the Labour Party listed the particulars of error by the PEPC as follows. That the PEPC failed to appreciate that for the President to assume the office or position of the Governor of Abuja, is also under a mandate to secure 25% of the votes cast in the FCT.


“They also accused the PEPC of overlooking the fuller purport of section 299 which will be more glaring on a calm examination of section 301 of the constitution


“No date yet has been fixed for the hearing of the case.”



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Peter Obi, Atiku Get Copy Of Presidential Tribunal Judgement, Approach Supreme Court » Naijakit Sat, 09 Sep 2023 23:30:35 +0000

The legal team of the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar on Friday confirmed that it had received the Certified True Copies of the judgment of the Presidential Election Petition Court.

The same was for the legal team of the flagbearer of the Labour Party (LP) in the February 25, 2023 election, Peter Obi.

Our source recalls that the presidential tribunal on Wednesday had ruled out the petition filed by Atiku and Obi against President Bola Tinubu’s victory.

Atiku and Obi in their reaction to the court ruling vowed to approach the Supreme Court.

According to Punch, the lead counsel to Obi, Dr Livy Uzoukwu (SAN) confirmed on the telephone that he had received a copy of the judgment.

He said, “I have a copy of the judgment; they are scanning it at the moment.”

Also, Atiku’s lead counsel, Chris Uche (SAN), confirmed the development of the platform.

He said while responding to a text message sent to him, “Yes; we have just received it.”

Atiku’s Special Assistant on Public Communications, Phrank Shaibu, had in a statement issued earlier on Friday slammed the PEPC for allegedly failing to release the certified copies of the judgment to the former vice president’s legal team.

Shaibu had claimed, “By not making available to Atiku Abubakar, presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, the Certified True Copies of the judgment of Wednesday for its filings at the Supreme Court, the Presidential Election Petition Court is undermining Atiku’s and Nigerians’ quest for justice.”

A copy of the judgment went viral on social media on Friday.

The 798-page document was signed by the Secretary of the PEPC and dated September 8, 2023.

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Apapa Faction Opens Up, Reveals Real Reason Why Peter Obi lost Presidential Tribunal Case Sat, 09 Sep 2023 23:17:12 +0000

The Lamidi Apapa section of the Labour Party (LP) has now disclosed the real reason why Asiwaju Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC) defeated Peter Obi in his appeal before the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal.

Recall how on Wednesday, September 6, the Presidential Tribunal dismissed Peter Obi’s complaint against President Bola Tinubu.

The Tribunal claimed that Peter Obi failed to specify the anomaly, the places it occurred, or the individuals it had an effect on, instead only making “generic accusations of irregularities” in the election.

In an interview with The PUNCH, the spokesman for the Apapa faction asserted that Julius Abure, the party’s national chairman, and Peter Obi were unable to provide polling unit results at the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal because they had not compensated party agents in response to the Tribunal’s ruling.

According to Arabambi, the majority of the agents allegedly fled with the polling unit result sheets when the party failed to give the agents the N10,000 compensation they had been promised.

The Labour Party leader believed Obi was wasting his time and money by appealing the tribunal’s decision.

In the beginning, no (polling) agent was paid, he claimed, adding that he had previously forewarned Nigerians that this might have an effect on them after the election. One or more of my agents were not paid. There was no upload of the other locations; we merely informed INEC that we had agents in more than 130,000 of the more than 190,000 polling locations. Out of the 130,000 we had, no agent gave Peter Obi the results of his voting unit. They were owed N10,000 each.

You failed to bring Form EC8, which stopped those solicitors from figuring out how many votes Obi claimed to have got.Since they were so thorough, no one should mistreat those respected judges. Only the pertinent provisions of the Nigerian Constitution and Electoral Act were used to guide their investigations.

Arabambi claimed that since the supreme court had already reached a decision in the case, it would be pointless for Obi to bring up the issue of Kashim Shettima’s many nominations.

Content created and supplied by: Jamila123 (via Opera

Labour Party
Lamidi Apapa
Peter Obi

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Peter Obi rejects Tribunal verdict; heads to Supreme Court (video) Thu, 07 Sep 2023 17:58:13 +0000

Peter Obi rejects Tribunal verdict; heads to Supreme Court (video)

The presidential candidate of Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 presidential election, Peter Obi, has rejected the judgement of the Presidential Election Petitions Court (PEPC), which affirmed the victory of President Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the February 25 general election.


Speaking at a press conference in Onitsha, Anambra State, on Thursday evening, September 7, Obi said he will be appealing the judgement. He said his legal team has received instruction to appeal the judgement and that he will not relent to retrieve ’his mandate.’

‘’As petitioners in this case, we respect the views and ruling of the court but we disagree with the courts reason and conclusion to the judgment it delivered. It is my intention as the presidential candidate and the intention of Labour party to challenge this judgement by way of appeal immediately as allowed by the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Thee PEPC has registered its judgment but that esteemed body is not the final arbitral. The responsibility now falls on the Supreme court ‘’


Speaking further, he said

‘’I shall not relent in the quest for justice, not necessarily for myself but for indeed our teaming supporters all over Nigeria whose mandate to us at the polls was regrettably truncated by INEC”

Watch him speak below





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‘Tribunal dismisses Peter Obi’s petition challenging Tinubu’s victory, says it lacks merit Wed, 06 Sep 2023 21:10:17 +0000

The Presidential Election Petitions Court has ruled that the petition filed by Labour party and its presidential candidate, Peter Obi, challenging the victory of Bola Tinubu in the February 25, 2023 presidential election, is ‘’unmeritorious”.


Delivering judgement in the petition on Wednesday, September 6, the five-man panel of justices led by Justice Haruna Tsammani, described as ridiculous the argument by the Labour party that Tinubu ought not to be declared winner of the election because he scored less than 25 per cent votes in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), and was not duly elected by majority of lawful votes cast.


The tribunal considered the directive of state policy and the preamble of the constitution that provides for the equality of citizens and held that by the provisions of Section 134 (2a) of the constitution, and without any form of equivocation, “scoring 25 percent in the FCT in a presidential election is not mandatory and this issue was also resolved against the petitioner and in favour of the respondent”.


The court subsequently declared LP’s petition clearly unmeritorious.



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Peter Obi, LP failed to prove Tinubu was convicted in the US Wed, 06 Sep 2023 13:55:16 +0000

Peter Obi, LP failed to prove Tinubu was convicted in the US - Tribunal Rules

The Presidential Election Petitions Court says the Labour Party (LP) and its presidential candidate, Peter Obi, failed to prove that President Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC) was convicted for money laundering in the United States.


The five-man panel led by Justice Haruna Tsammani ruled that no record of criminal arrest and conviction was established against Tinubu by the petitioners, Obi and the LP.


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