threads – Goodnewsnigeria There is Good in Nigeria. Thu, 02 May 2024 12:34:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 35090771 Thread by @PeterObi on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App Thu, 02 May 2024 09:55:18 +0000

Peter Obi Profile picture

It has come to my attention, and I strongly denounce the distortion of facts surrounding my actions and statements during my tenure as governor of Anambra State, particularly concerning the ongoing demolitions for the construction of the Lagos-Calabar coastal super highway.

I aim to address these issues directly, devoid of political rhetoric, to ensure clarity for all. Let me be unequivocal: during my governorship, I made it abundantly clear that all structures obstructing existing roads and lacking approval would be removed.

The circulated video clearly stated this, and I only initiated removal when construction had already commenced. Any insinuation otherwise is a blatant misrepresentation of the truth.

I challenge anyone to verify and show me where the demolished structures on existing roads or ongoing businesses were not encroaching on the road and built without government approval while I served as governor.

To provide further clarity, consider concrete examples. I decisively demolished the Onitsha North local government headquarters situated on the only existing stadium, relocated, and built a brand new structure for the local government office away from the stadium.

This action was necessary to restore the stadium to its original purpose as a sporting facility for the people. Subsequently, the stadium was rightfully named after the first owner of the first football club figure in Nigerian sports, Chuba Ikpeazu,

as a tribute to our commitment to honoring our heroes. Similarly, the Onitsha South Stadium, the sole local playing ground for the community, was converted into a local government office. Recognizing the importance of recreational spaces,

I reverted it to its original status by demolishing and relocating the local government office. I then renovated the stadium and renamed it after the longest-serving Green Eagles captain, Godwin Achebe.

My actions were strategic, aiming to prioritize the repair and maintenance of existing infrastructure over projects that risked disruption and destruction. This approach aimed to safeguard the livelihoods of Nigerians and ensure the efficient use of resources.

It is crucial to clarify the false comparisons drawn between my actions on Brewery Road and the current coastal super highway project. I never proposed creating a new road that would disrupt existing structures.

Instead, I focused on removing obstructions on existing roads to enhance accessibility and safety for all. The ongoing destruction and disruption of jobs and livelihoods associated with the Lagos-Calabar coastal road construction sharply contrasts with

my administration’s efforts to improve infrastructure while minimizing adverse impacts on communities. Regarding allegations of incitement against the government, I firmly reject these unfounded accusations aimed at tarnishing my character.

My focus is on fostering constructive dialogue and inclusivity, rather than engaging in divisive politics. Claims of incitement are baseless distractions. I have always advocated for unity and advancement, refusing to partake in reactionary divisive politics.

I refuse to be reduced to the level of those who wallow in ethnic politics. Worse still, I have never and can never descend so low as to base my political aspirations on any sectional or ethnic interest.

My commitment to serving with integrity remains steadfast, and I encourage all Nigerians to unite for a prosperous future. In conclusion, I stand by my record as governor and reject any attempts to distort the narrative for political gain.

My commitment remains unwavering: to advocate for the rights and well-being of all Nigerians, ensuring that development initiatives prioritize the needs of the people. Most importantly, I will continue to insist that our national resources be applied with maximum frugality. -PO

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Thread by @PeterObi on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App Sat, 06 Apr 2024 18:10:32 +0000

I wish to sincerely congratulate my dear elder brother, Pastor Ituah Ighodalo, as he marks his 63rd birthday anniversary today. His visionary leadership at Trinity House Church has been a beacon of hope, guiding those around him towards spiritual growth, and enlightenment. Image

Beyond the pulpit, his commitment to philanthropy and advocacy for good governance continues to yield positive changes in society.

On this special day, it’s my prayer that God blesses him with more healthy and fruitful years ahead, renewed strength and endless joy, as he continues to impact on more lives positively.

Happy Birthday, Pastor Ituah Ighodalo! -PO

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Thread by @PeterObi on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App Sun, 10 Mar 2024 22:54:49 +0000

Peter Obi Profile picture

I find it deeply disconcerting and a matter of grave concern and even shameful to read about the alleged N3 trillion discrepancy between the budget approved by the Nigerian Senate and the one being implemented by the presidency.

One Senator claims there is a separate budget, allegedly containing the N3 trillion, that differs from what was passed by the National Assembly. This alleged discrepancy is especially worrying because it represents over 10% of our national budget (estimated at N29 trillion)

and is more than the combined education (N1.54 trillion) and health (N1.38 trillion) official budgets. This lack of transparency in managing public funds is a breach of trust between the Nigerian people and their elected leaders.

With insecurity, hunger, poverty, inflation, and unemployment plaguing the nation, these actions are insensitive to the people’s plight. Every naira of our budget, especially in these challenging times, should be judiciously used to build a better Nigeria.

We also deserve full accountability of all our scarce resources placed in public trust. Therefore, we, the Nigerian people, demand a public explanation from both the National Assembly and the Presidency regarding the purpose and process of adding this alleged N3 trillion

allocation to the officially approved national budget for 2024. Transparency and accountability remain the cornerstones of good democratic governance at all levels. This is our unwavering commitment to building a New Nigeria which we insist remains POssible. -PO

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Thread by @PeterObi on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App Thu, 29 Feb 2024 08:56:31 +0000

Peter Obi Profile picture

Let me confess that the label of being a vintage Onitsha-based trader does not in any way confer on me the status of an economic expert. With my vast trading knowledge and my involvement in the real sector,

I am of the strong opinion that the recent decision of the Monetary Policy Committee to increase the Monetary Policy Rate, MPR, to 22.5% and the Cash Reserve Ratio, CRR, to 45% will further worsen the economic situation of most Nigerian households as it is bound to

cause more job losses in the productive sector, especially manufacturing and other sectors that rely on bank loans and credit facilities for their funding needs. Tightening liquidity in the financial system does not improve productivity, ie food production,

which is the major cause of inflation in Nigeria. Moreover, only about 12% of N3.6 trillion of the total money in circulation is in the banking system which means that 88%, about N3.2 trillion is outside the banking system.

So, this measure would rather be counterproductive as it would not address the intended purpose of managing the money supply. These new measures will worsen the fragile economy as the supply of funds would dry up for the real sector, and

the new MPR rate hike will push the interest rate on loans to above 30%, which would be very difficult for the real sector operators especially manufacturers and SMEs to repay; resulting, obviously, in increased bad loans, and worsening the nation’s economic situation.

The most critical way to manage our high rate of inflation and decline in production is for the government to address the issue of insecurity in the country, which will allow for increased food, and crude oil production, and an overall increase in production,

which will make products, especially food, cheaper. This way we would increase our productivity as well as restore the confidence of FDIs and FPIs to come back to the country.

I must caution that what the Nigerian economy needs now is hard headed practical originality and results. Tinkering with classical economic theories can only deepen our crisis. -PO

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Thread by @PeterObi on Thread Reader App Sun, 25 Feb 2024 06:33:35 +0000

Peter Obi · @PeterObi. Feb 23. Recently, the Senate President, Senator Godswill Akpabio announced that a staggering financial …

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Thread by @PeterObi on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App Thu, 21 Dec 2023 20:31:14 +0000

Peter Obi Profile picture

I am shocked by the recent report of the planned demolition of about 200 houses in the Nuwalege community in Abuja, to make way for the Presidential Fleet.

I am again pained that we are embarking on such an inconsiderate project at this critical time when the country is going through untold hardship. I would like to reiterate that at this time, our preoccupation should be how to do away with the Presidential Fleet,

or reduce it to the minimum, to cut costs and save up for more critical projects to help the people, instead of demolishing people’s homes. A country where the World Bank announced that over 100 million citizens are being pushed into poverty,

should not at this time be sending hundreds of people into homelessness to accommodate the Presidential fleet of luxury aircraft. We need to focus instead on how to lessen the pain and suffering of poor people.

We cannot continue to encourage those who have kept us suffering to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle far beyond our legitimate means. A democratically elected people-oriented government must always care for the people, above itself.

I, therefore, advise that we have a rethink, and most importantly , ensure that our fellow Nigerians are not rendered homeless for the sake of an unproductive presidential fleet. We should rather focus on helping the people and developing our critical sectors for the sake of

our national peace, progress, and development. No nation grows or develops by subjecting the people to avoidable inconveniences to accommodate the luxurious excesses of its rulers. -PO

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Obiasogu David's Threads – Thread Reader App Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:04:15 +0000

Peter Obi is like a double edged sword. Here's how. In 2002, when Peter Obi was campaigning to be governor in Anambra, he was almost twice as …

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Thread by @PeterObi on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App Fri, 08 Dec 2023 10:28:13 +0000

Peter Obi Profile picture

Good morning Nigeria. While I am still waiting for the receipt of the full details of the 2024 budget for examination and to ensure the prioritization of the items for growth, I wish to comment on some of the items that are already in the public domain.

The sum of N15.961 billion has been budgeted for trips for the aides of the president and the vice president. If the aides are spending this much, one can extrapolate that their principals, the President, and the Vice President, will spend twice as much which will be about N30

billion. This means that in 2024 the office of the President and Vice President, and their aides will be gulping over N45b for trips alone. Furthermore, the office of the Chief Of Staff budgeted N20 billion for the renovation of the President and the Vice President’s offices in

Lagos and Abuja and their full ‘digitization’. If you add N45 billion, being the least that will be spent on transportation, and N20 billion earmarked for renovations, it comes to about N65 billion, which is more than N57 billion, being the amount passed by the Senate last week

for the Police Trust Fund, to secure over 200m people. Join me in figuring out the alternatives of what this amount can do in real productive terms for our dear country, especially in a critical area like internal security.

We have over 5000 Police stations and operations, across the country. Half of these police stations have no functional vehicles. Even those that have are given less than N5000 for fuel in a day, which is why if you are lucky, for prominent people like me, to call the police for

any intervention in an emergency, the first thing they tell you is – ‘we have no fuel’. Assuming we decide to prioritize our lists and use these resources as most of the trips and the renovations are of no value to our growth and productivity,

we can approach local manufacturers like Innoson and others and order 2500 4×4 trucks which as of today cost about N30 million. We will be able to get a 20% discount because we are buying in large quantities and paying them upfront. It will amount to N25 million each,

which will be N62.5 billion for half of the police stations that do not have operational vehicles today, and which will be taken care of by the money we save from the budgeted travel and renovations.

The N15 billion budgeted for the new residence of the Vice President can be used for fuelling police operational cars by tripling their fuel allowances from about N5000 presently to N15,000 per day, which will come to N13.687 billion.

By prioritizing our planning, and budgeting this way, we will not only be securing the country better but will be making our local industries more productive and profitable, thereby creating the desperately needed Jobs.

I urge that we urgently review our budget and revise it to prioritize our urgent needs in Health, Education, and pulling people out of poverty which will only be achieved by a planning and budgeting strategy that targets these critical need areas.

It is time we recognize our difficulty, especially the suffering of the poor masses and prioritize our expenditure. That is what we clamor for in the New Nigeria which we insist is very possible. -PO

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Thread by @PeterObi on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App Sat, 30 Sep 2023 20:52:14 +0000

Peter Obi Profile picture

Yesterday, 29th September, I was at Princeton University, the No 1 University in USA, (US-News), as Keynote Speaker at Chinua Achebe International Symposium and 40th anniversary of his booklet “The Trouble with Nigeria”

I elucidated to the audience how cumulative bad leadership, over the years, has done great harm to the Nigerian nation, using the periods 1980-1983 and 2020-2023 to illustrate. Our Political Leaders have turned Governance into a gigantic criminal enterprise, and wickedly

plundered our commonwealth, which made our country to become among the very few Nations in world developing backwards. The world is about to exit fossil fuel, and yet we cannot point to sustainable investment or savings from the trillions of petro-dollars we have earned since

1959. Consequently, we are classified among failing/failed States, and below are just few illustrations of our predicament.

1. Within the said period our poverty numbers have quadrupled to 130 million people living under multi-dimensional poverty, making us the undisputed poverty capital of the world.
2. We now have over 22 million out of school children, again another undisputed champion in the world

3. We are now among 5 most dangerous or unsafe countries in the world.

4. Our GDP per capita in 1981 was $2180, and in 2020/21 was 2097, which not only shows that there was no growth, but infact we are far worse.

5. Our currency Naira exchanged =N=1/$1.60, in fact in September 1983,
=N =1,000,000 = $1,500,000
**And** 40 years after September 2023,
=N=1,000,000 = $1,000.

6. Our minimum monthly wage in 1980/1983 was =N=125 which was then $190-200.

States of Kano and Kaduna under PRP Party led by our Revered Leader Aminu Kano with Governors Abubakar Rimi, and Balarabe Musa paid additional =N=2 making =N=127 which was above $200.

Today with 1980/83
purchasing value of Dollar about a tenth of its value, our minimum monthly wage is =N= 30k, which is $30, just barely 1/6 of what we paid 40 years ago with far less purchasing value.

7. University Professors were paid between =N=1000, and =N=1200 which was about $1,600-2000 then, and today if he is lucky to be paid as and when due will earn =N=400000, =$400, about 1/5 of the earning 40 years ago with far less purchasing value.

Though people will have the opportunity of listening to the full speech, my closing remarks remain that with committed Leaders of good character, competence and capacity, we can start the rebuilding and healing process to a possible New Nigeria. -PO

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L’incroyable come-back de Mark Zuckerberg Mon, 25 Sep 2023 09:00:37 +0000

Devenir copywriter professionel :

Depuis quand Mark Zuckerberg est devenu cool ?

On parle quand même d’un gars qui a été découvert par le grand public avec un film qui s’ouvre sur une scène où il se fait plaquer.

On pourrait penser que son image n’aurait pas pu empirer après ce film – mais si. On l’accuse de revendre vos données privées. Ceux qui ne s’intéressent pas assez à lui pour le détester le transforment en meme et l’accusent d’être un reptilien…

Quoi qu’il fasse, impossible pour lui de se refaire une image.

Mais depuis quelques mois, il semble que le vent est en train de tourner.

Le gars qui rafraichissait pathétiquement la page Facebook de son ex à la fin de The Social Network poste des photos d’influenceur parent sur Instagram.

Le puceau qui a créé un site pour noter le physique des étudiantes de Harvard étrangle des mecs sur un tatami.

Dans ce paysage, le cas de Zuck est unique. Voilà un fondateur qui a été admiré puis détesté… et qui est en train d’opérer sous nos yeux un incroyable come back.



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Écriture : Stan LELOUP, Mira T.
Montage, visuels : Baptiste BOLGARI


00:00 : La yassification de Mark Zuckerberg
03:27 : 1 – Le mythe de création
12:05 : 2 – L’anti-Musk
15:06 : 3 – La revanche des nerds
20:54 : Outro

Musiques :
Artist – Epidemic Sounds


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