Friday, August 16, 2024
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Tag: computers

Middle Aged Canadians Fear Job Losses – Mass Immigration To Blame...

Wait, wait wait....could Wojak be right again? Source Article: ... source

Tech Job Opportunities are Everywhere

Talking about all of the hundreds of thousands of #TechJob opportunities that are available for people looking to start a tech ... source

Can emacs do this? #editors #vim #programming #emacs

#vim #emacs #editors #programming #theprimeagen #emanuelavilesarchivado source

Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI | A WIRED...

“Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI,” examines the extraordinary ways in which people are interacting with AI today. Hobbyists and teenagers are...

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Crash Course Computer Science #34

So we've talked a lot in this series about how computers fetch and display data, but how do they make decisions on this data?...

Understanding Artificial Intelligence and Its Future | Neil Nie | TEDxDeerfield

Neil Nie demonstrates how artificial intelligence--and particularly, object recognition--works... and how it will effect the future. Neil Nie is a computer science student at Deerfield...

The poetry of programming | Linda Liukas | TEDxCERN

Linda Liukas believes that a movement in technology is already happening and that we need to engage everyone -- especially the next generation --...