Solved 1. Explain the objectives of logistics management. 2.


1. Explain the objectives of logistics management.

2. What is inventory control?

3. What is demand forecasting?

4. What is warehousing?

5. What are the functions of warehousing?

6. What is the importance of demand forecasting?

7. Explain the components of supply chain management.

8. Role of manager in supply chain

9. Consider the problem of locating a company-owned warehouse that will serve as a regional distribution point for its line of housewares

10. Describe the planning process that the logistician might follow to decide where to locate the warehouse.

11. Which environmental factors are most important in this decision

12. What should be the goal for this problem-cost minimization or service maximization?

13. Explain how the following situations illustrate the principle of postponement

a. Toothpaste is shipped in bulk quantities to warehouses close to markets where sales in the area determine the package size of the final product

b. A plant manufacture ships “brights” or unlabeled product into the warehouses. Labeling equipment in the warehouse commists the product to the final brand

14. Describe how automakers routinely practice standardization in their distribution channels

15. You are planning to start a mail-order business that will sell moderately priced clothing for short men and petite women. Local clothing stores, your major competition, carry a limited selection of stores for this market and hence have little opportunity to obtain items not in their immediate stock. Some customer appreciate the chance to try on clothes and listen to the advice of the sales people, but are often frustrated by the limited selection. You feel that you have a price advantage because of low overhead (only order and order filler make up the staff and the warehouse is in a low rent district) What strategy can you formulate that will allow you to compete effectively with local retainers?

16. What are logistics cost and especially transportation costs, so important in developing incentive pricing arrangements/

17. Why transportation is considered so important to the US economy? Why is it so important to an individual form?

18. How can information, such as an order tracking system be a substitute for customer service performance?

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