My friend go JB rent a warehouse to do biz he tell me sibei song sia better than sg | Page 2


ya. All is good in jb until his warehouse got broken into one day and the burglar take a dump on the floor after robbing him clean.
OR walking on day on street and got your skull crack open by a robber with a spanner and then wake up in a hospital 3 days later

be prepared for break in – just treat as paying tax.

be prepared for red tape – simple thing like applying for internet can take a lot of time.

need to pay tax when exporting to Sg, eg GST, if u “buy” from yr own Msia co.

need to pay import tax when importing fr overseas. expect cargo get hold up in ports and missing items, etc.
I’ve been to East Msia to doing something for their seaport some yrs ago. i was told the custom officers will help themselves to the CNY goodies imported thru their custom.
Need to send ppl to the custom to do some “PR” so that yr goods can clear the custom wo much disturbance.

their custom officers come in office to clock in, then go out to take breakfast, after returning to work for an hour or 2, then go lunch for another 1-2 hours, then back to office for an hour or 2, b4 heading home.

can tahan this type of work culture or not ?

be prepared for running many times, officers not on duty/long lunch break/prayer time/etc, delays, etc to register a foreigner own co (even local own too) & govt related paperwork, electricity/water application, car park, etc.


Get ready for a high turnover in good staff if located in JB. My vendors’ good staff in KL already resigned and are working in SG over the past few years.

basically, in JB, bosses have to pay high salaries to retain good staff. their pay not a lot diff from those working in Sg.

my friend who operates an engrg co in Johor, need provide his staff w cars & house to stay.

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