

This Property Listing is under review, not effective yet.

Your property listing is being reviewed by House 730 within the office hours. Email notification will be sent once the process is done.

If you have any problem, please contact us by WhatsApp:+852 5726 6308/ indicate “property review” in the title)/Tel:+852 3619 3200

This Property Listing is not approved.

Sorry! Your property listing is not approved probably due to payment proof or content issue, please contact us WhatsApp:+852 5726 6308/ email subject “Listing is not approved”)/Tel:+852 3619 3200

This Property Listing is not effective yet, pending payment.

Payment Method:PayPal or Credit Card

Bank Transfer – Please deposit to the following bank account

Bank account name:HOUSE730 LIMITED

Hang Seng Bank(Bank Code:024):752-007526-883

BOCHK(Bank Code:012):012-875-2-035677-8

After deposit, please write your mobile no./order no. at the bank transfer slip and use one of the following methods to notify us:

(1) by fax:+852 3619 3201;

(2) WhatsApp:+825 5726 6308;

(3) by email: with email subject “payment to House730”.

Normally, we will update the relevant information of the property within a few working hours. After payment confirmed, an email notification will be sent.

If you have any problem, please contact us byWhatsApp:+852 5726 6308/ 3619 3200

This Property Listing is not effective yet, pending payment.

Please go to Order Management / Property Management of PMS to finish your payment.

If you have any problem, please contact us byWhatsApp:+852 5726 6308/ 3619 3200

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