For Rent: 5,000 sqm Warehouse for Distribution Center in Davao – office & commercial


Location: Buhisan,Bunawan, Davao City

Rental rate: Php 165/sqm

Property Area: 1,000 – 7,000 sqm

Classification: Industrial Warehouse

Completion: Ready for occupancy

Property Features:

– Wide compound with ample parking space for trucks

– Approx.10.4 km away from Sasa Wharf

– 9.3 km from Philippine Ports Davao

– With FDAS and Automated Shutter Gate

Inquire now for more information and look for Mika!

Disclaimer: The property listings shown above are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate, thus we encourage interested parties to schedule a site visit with us to verify the actual information provided herein. The availability, price, appearance and all other information supplied in this document is subject to change without prior notice. For questions or clarifications you are encouraged to get In touch with us.

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