World Teachers Day: Peter Obi seeks govt’s intervention in welfare of private school teachers


Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 elections, has advocated for an intervention by the Federal Government in the welfare of private school teachers across the country.

Obi remarked in a statement in honour of World Teachers Day, on Thursday, that without teachers’ contributions, society cannot truly advance.

He pointed out that the growth of human capital, which can only be attained via education and the incomparable contribution of teachers, is the cornerstone of any society’s development.

“At the basic education level, which is the most critical, governments at all levels, should intervene in schools owned by private and voluntary agencies, and ensure that their teachers are paid as their counterparts in public schools,” Obi suggested.

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“I have also maintained that the government should begin to celebrate Nigerian teachers, who through hard work and dedication, have distinguished themselves in many ways, rather than celebrating individuals who contribute to the challenges facing us a nation.”

Obi added that while he was governor of Anambra, his administration would not have been able to achieve the many feats it recorded in the education sector without the devotion and commitment of teachers in the state.

“We need to revolutionise education in the nation, by aggressively reducing the present 22 million out-of-school children and bringing them back to schools,” he said.

“This we can achieve by making more investment in education and employing more teachers.”

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