Why Ndigbo Should Amass Pluses -By Tunji Ajibade

Why Ndigbo Should Amass Pluses -By Tunji Ajibade

Here I conclude this four-part series that I started four Fridays ago. I pick it from where I paused last Friday regarding the implications of Ndigbo’s recent outings. How the perception others have of Ndigbo can generally impact the fortune of the tribe is where I’m headed. I gave a few illustrations last Friday but here I add possible effects at the individual level as well. I’m against anyone doing anything negative to members of another tribe. As I said in a conversation lately, “You and I can be victims of what members of our tribes do to people of other tribes.” And people of other tribes “can misbehave to your kids because someone from your tribe/state misbehaves to them.” I experienced it.

Decades back, I was in a location in the North where I used to sit with my friends of northern extraction. One day I arrived to find a new face. This young man worked in the South but he came home during the holidays. He spoke about his bad experiences, how a Yoruba man misbehaved to him which I recognised as typical of how some southerners behaved to northerners. At one stage I made a comment totally different from his complaints but he reacted to me with hostility. It was the first statement I ever made to him but that was his reaction. I kept quiet for the rest of the evening. When I arrived the following day, this young man greeted me better and was willing to discuss with me. What I expected would happen did.

Our mutual friends must have explained to him the kind of person I was. They must have told him I wasn’t the kind of southerner who put into action their biases against a northerner. I suppose if it were in a dicey situation I met this young man for the first time, the kind of displeasure he felt for the Yoruba man who maltreated him might have ensured he did something really unpleasant. That’s one implication at the individual level when we misbehave to people of other tribes. Does the reader wonder why they sometimes get somewhere and someone from another tribe or religion is openly hostile to them? When Ndigbo make comments that needlessly displease others, a member of the tribe may get maltreated or denied something they deserve somewhere.

This situation is one reason I’ve interrogated comments made by prominent persons in the South that negatively portrayed northerners, especially. Every northerner is not bad just as every southerner is not bad. As for Ndigbo as a collective, I return to what the implications are of the recent images they project and the perception others have of them. I start with the struggle to produce a civilian executive president. I stated four Fridays ago that when the time comes and a candidate of the Igbo extraction that I like is produced, I’ll enthusiastically support the individual. But Ndigbo can’t make fellow Nigerians their enemies left, right, and centre while they pursue a quest. It’s what they’re doing with those needless controversies they involve themselves in.

I noticed how little grounding the candidate of Igbo extraction in the 2023 presidential election had in the north. Yet, the calculations were that after he must have collected all the votes he could in the South, the North would supply the rest. But the core North was where the presidential candidate of Igbo origin in 2023 had the least support among members of the political establishment – traditional rulers, Ulamas, and opinion leaders. The core North has a large population and one that tends to vote. I explained in the past that the North was one place where a majority of voters followed a leader from the neighbourhood to the ward, and from local government to the state level. If you don’t have the buy-in of this structure you haven’t started as a presidential candidate. When the Ulamas, for instance, gathered to support President Bola Tinubu before the 2023 election, it was one indicator I looked at to write severally that his Muslim-Muslim ticket would win.

Today, there remains in the north a deep suspicion of Ndigbo and what they’ll do in power. The latest images they project cannot help them if it is not addressed. Note too that it’s one thing for a tribe to produce a president, it’s another to garner the consensus that will make his tenure a success. Let there be an uncooperative posture from the Ulamas and traditional institutions in the north, and a president may find it difficult to make a success of his signature policies. A president needs the support of some institutions, bodies, and individuals who are institutions in their own right in order to have his way on some national issues. The perception such influential figures have of a tribe plays a part in the level of support they give.

Northerners tend to feel relaxed when a Yoruba man is in office. And often they cooperate with them as we saw under the administration of President Olusegun Obasanjo and currently under President Bola Tinubu. How northerners and other southerners will feel if an Igbo man emerges as president will be an interesting phenomenon to watch out for. But I state here that the kind of image Ndigbo project till then is a vital factor. A tribe cannot continue to be perceived as ever combative, disrespectful of others’ feelings, and expect Nigerians to suddenly feel good if their man emerges as president. Words such as “threatened to” and “vowed to” cannot continue to be linked with each of Ndigbo’s actions as we see, for instance, in reports of how Ohaneze Ndigbo wants to challenge the Federal Government over ministerial appointments. Other threats come from other persons as well.

Except for a few persons and groups that choose to be on their own, Yoruba politicians, elders and opinion leaders don’t make threatening public statements on national issues. They mostly communicate their demands to those who matter in government. That’s tact, a relevant intangible instrument in political matters, in statesmanship. Still on political matters; the images Ndigbo recently project make me ask the question: What do Ndigbo really want? It’s a core question because at one end some say they want to break away from Nigeria. At election time they demand that an Igbo person become the next president. Igbo leaders need to build a consensus around what the tribe wants.

If Ndigbo continue to say they want Biafra and at election time they present a candidate for the presidency, it’s a certain route to losing elections. One reason is that the perception other Nigerians will have, right or wrong, is that an Igbo presidency has only one agenda – balkanisation of Nigeria. It’s a real sentiment in the northern political, traditional and religious establishment and they pass this sentiment on to voters. This perception needs to be dealt with and Ohaneze Ndigbo has a role here. Each time Ndigbo demand to have the presidency as the election approaches, it occurs to me that there’s this mentality that achieving their desire is a one day event, election year event. No, it’s a journey. But there’s this posture that a tribe can provoke other Nigerians with needless comments and thereby lose goodwill, but when it’s election time they can just grab a presidential ticket and expect every Nigerian to vote for the candidate they present. It’s not the way this thing works.

Working to get to power is a long term project. I hope even Ohaneze Ndigbo realises that it’s one thing to have a presidential candidate of Igbo origin and it’s another for Nigerians to rally around his ticket. What happens, if each time an Igbo candidate is presented, Nigerians turn to the alternative candidate just because they worry about what the country will be like under an Igbo presidency? The posture Igbo opinion leaders and other members of the tribe take regarding issues that concern other tribes is vital. I urge Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu to take note of the points I’ve stated in this four-part series. He and other Igbo leaders shouldn’t be perceived to be supportive of provocative utterances targeted at fellow Nigerians and Nigeria. They should restrain aggressive youth over this. Needless provocative comments can’t amass pluses for any tribe in a polity, can it?

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