What Nigerian Army Did In Izombe, Imo State And Everyone Is Keeping Mute?

What Nigerian Army Did In Izombe, Imo State And Everyone Is Keeping Mute?

What Nigerian Army Did In Izombe, Imo State And Everyone Is Keeping Mute.



  1. Why does this reporter keep saying β€œallegedlyβ€œ when referring to the damage/murders committed by the army but never once saying allegedly when saying what the villagers did?!!! Very weird. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

  2. Honestly speaking in as much as I don't support violence but I urge this pple not to agree. They should form an undercover gorrila soldiers that will be kidnapping any soldier that is not of Igbo origin and make sure they neutralize them and buried without anyone knowing were. This northerners who are soldiers just come down to the east and they get mad with the development our pple are achieving without the government assistance and it makes them think it's not achievable without criminality. I wonder where our South East leaders has kept their conscience that they can't listen to the cry of their pple. I know how many soldiers that dies every day in the north and no house has ever been burned. I feel so bad

  3. buhari begged and recruited boko haram fighters into nigerian army just for this reason..nothing more… they have started carrying out their purpose…. only God can save igbos in the hands of fulani who control the power of the location 419 state

  4. Hope uzo-ojoo must be dully paid with his diabolic and unwarranted wicked killings of the people of Imo state especially this his beyond draconian and barbaric onslaught in Izombe Uguta in Imo state. Hope can never never never go unpunished dramatically.

  5. The silence of the elites and the so called leaders of South East should be reminded of the saying of the great Martin Luther King Jr that says " WE ALL HAVE TO REPENT ON THIS PLANET EARTH NOT BECAUSE OF THE EVIL DEEDS OF THE WICKED PEOPLE, BUT THE APPALLING SILENCE OF THE GOOD PEOPLE, THE ELITES AND LEADERS that be not calling a spade a spade. You can imagine Hope uzo-ojoo at this age in such situation, KARMA IS A BITCH, Someone to remind the pharaoh and Marcavelli of Imo state in the person of dotty-dotty Hope uzo- dotty(dirty)

  6. Nitori Olorun! nitori Olorun! Ni bo lan lo ni Country yi? For God sake where are we going in this Country? I think the Governor of the state must be held accountable for every life lost in this event. Now he is using the lives of the people to demand for ransome from the federal government. And at the end of the day he will embezzle the money. Ibo people deserve good governance, good life and advance development. Are they not human being.


  8. I ask the Nigerian people and the world at large. I am asking this question because I don't understand the role of the Nigerian soldiers anymore. Please, is it part of the job of the army to burn down houses of innocent civilians? Is this something the army do or is it terrorists that burn down people's homes? Why is Nigerian army terrorising the whole of Igbo land? Why is the world keeping quiet while these terrorists in army uniform are terrorising one particular set of people in eastern part of Nigeria. All those in power who are keeping quiet in the face of this evil being perpetrated against one particular group of people will give account one day. God is watching you all.

  9. Every Easterner should understand that northeastern Nigerian soldiers regard Easterners as their number one enemy. All their training and fighting skills are done with Easterners in their mind. Even their trainers tell and teach them that. Their only war zone is the East. If not explain to me what a soldiers have to do with plantain plants standing on its own? Nigerian soldiers have been fighting with insurgents in the North for years now and are being killed at the same time, has there been a place in the North where they carried out such magnitude of destruction to the indigenes ?

  10. Why is the reporter using The word ALLEGEDLY? is it that he don't know what he's reporting or he doesn't believe it? But he said three soldiers lost their lives and their car burnt. When reporting the side of the soldiers he did not use that word ALLEGEDLY.

  11. But what is this military invasion of villagers, what is the duty of Nigeria soldiers, and what will the police do then? In fact, this is another one too much for this terrorists gang government. I wonder why this N8gerian army cannot go fight boko haram terrorists and Fulani herdsmen terrorists. Tufiakwa!

  12. This mayhem shows the weakness and wickedness of the Nigerian Soldiers. They took out the anger of their inefficiencies on the poor vulnerable civilians like terrorists would. They can only imagine what will happen to them if the entire Igbo youths decide to take up arms against them. Ka Chi fo!!! The rudderless so called leaders of the greater southeast should be careful and worried, because by their actions or inactions they're feeding the monsters that will consume them. I'm advising the Nigerian government and leaders to negotiate their way out of these or wait for the D-DAY. A word they say is a enough for the wise. My humble take.

  13. Buhari always send out the Nigeria' soldiers to go out from their barracks, and start destroying Nigeria peoples homes, especially Christians Homes and he call himself a good leader.,


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