Webinar 1: Sexual Violence in Borno State, Northeast Nigeria


Over the past decades, patterns of sexual violence in humanitarian settings have been influenced by a rise in conflict, mass displacement and disruption in the rule of law. Sexual violence is a form of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) that is present in all societies. SGBV and especially sexual violence are usually exacerbated by disruption of the social fabric resulting from conflict or natural disasters.

With funding from the European Union, Save the Children International and KIT Royal Tropical Institute conducted research covering sexual violence in Borno State, Nigeria.

This first webinar from 26th April, 2022, unpacks the findings and recommendations of this study.

More Information and the full report are available here:

Findings from Research on Sexual Violence in Humanitarian Settings



  1. Great job!
    But I feel you should have included sexual exploitation of young boys as well. Also, how do you define child marriage (what context) looking at humanitarian law, Nigerian national policy and the Sharia law being practiced in Northern Nigeria?


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