Violent Bank Robbery Shatters Peace In Otukpo, Benue State


OTUKPO, Benue State — Residents of Otukpo, the political hub of Benue South Senatorial District, experienced terror firsthand when armed robbers audaciously stormed three of the town’s major banks last Friday.

An Attack Well-Planned

At around 3:15 p.m., as the workday was winding down, these criminals didn’t hesitate to use dynamites, catching the town’s residents off-guard. Their operation, which lasted for a harrowing hour, was nothing short of a well-orchestrated plan. Before targeting the banks, they laid siege to the nearby police station.

Eyewitness Account by Sunny:

Sunny, a local business owner, shared the harrowing events of the day: “The sudden gunshots alerted everyone. Chaos ensued, and everyone sought safety.” He further elaborated, “Their initial strategy was to target the nearby police station, which was adjacent to the banks.”

The Tragic Toll

But this wasn’t just another robbery. The attackers left behind a tragic scene: seven innocent lives lost. Among them were dedicated policemen and a former councillor.

Audacious Exit

If their brazen attack wasn’t shocking enough, the robbers’ exit surely was. Eyewitnesses described a surreal scene where the culprits threw naira notes to the wind as they made their escape in high-speed vehicles.

The Affected Banks and Their Responses:

The banks targeted by the robbery were:

  • United Bank for Africa (UBA)
  • Zenith Bank
  • First Bank Plc

Each of these banks has a reputable history in Nigeria and adheres to robust security protocols. Preliminary reports suggest:

Bank Estimated Loss
UBA To be determined
Zenith Bank To be determined
First Bank Plc To be determined

Law Enforcement’s Take

The Benue State Police Command, while confirming the incident, has urged the public to remain patient as they investigate. SP Catherine Anene, in a recent statement, mentioned, “We’re in touch with our officers in Otukpo. It’s vital to ensure accurate details emerge.”

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