Unidentified Gunmen Attack St. Francis Catholic Church Owo, Ondo State -ARISE News Report


Developing Story: Yet to be identified gunmen on Sunday morning attacked St. Francis Catholic Church Owo-Ondo State, Killing an unknown number of members of the congregation, during the church service. #ARISENews is at the scene gathering more information.

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  1. Very soon, they'll come out & tell you they have nothing to do with it' that it's a religion of PEACE…
    You so called Christians, when will you start fighting back?… Go and Read the book of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of God's temple…

  2. Why inoccent people are involved and the victims?It is clear that they were finding the root about what they wanted to happened so why innocent people?Is this mindset since before?This is something like manipulation..We heard many conspiracies so why innocent people are always the victims?just because are already in the group and easy to kill them?We must to be vigilant each in everyone of us against evil spirit sorrounding us and we must to take care each in everyone of us because sometimes God breaks our hear to save our soul.Guns killed them so it means everyone needs a gun?this is something like politics way and dont allow evil spirit to happened again.Evil spirit wanted us to kill each other thats their motive.

  3. This is not the first time. It happens all the time. Christmas, New year, Easter, etc. Targeting innocent Christians worshipping God in the house of God. For how long shall we continue to live in such a horrible situation? Yesterday, it was an attack on a train, today it is an attack in a Church. Who knows where the next attack will occur tomorrow? What sort of government do we have in Nigeria? Terrorists and bandits conveniently operate because the Nigerian government gave them the wherewithall to operate. That is what you get when you have an irresponsible and unresponsive government in office. Instead of fighting insecurity they prefer to hold party Consensus / Presidential Primary, that is all that matters to them as it is in their own personal interests. Human lives worth nothing to the government. It's a shame.

  4. Something to consider: A Church is the likeliest place where you will find guilty and innocent people together. What could require the spilling of innocent and guilty blood together, at this time?

  5. May those disbeliever satanists who murderd those innocent people get caught, tortured, killed and burn in hell fire forever. Before killing them get their parents (besides they usually are the reason that their kid grows up an idiot. And it will scare of other parents to pay more attebtion to raising their kid right) or close relative and torture and rape them in front of those satanic jihapisses and let them feel how pain feels like, before killing them. This will be a lesson for the rest who ever dares to hurt another innocebt soul.


    IT IS A SHAME and an insult to the people of Ondo State and to the Nigerian people, for Governor Akeredolu to open his mouth to reportedly say that the killers of 50 worshippers at the St. Francis Catholic Church, Owo, WERE FROM MALI.

    None of them has been arrested nor confessed, but the governor is already defending the killers of his own people.

    Where did he get his information?
    If he knew beforehand that, Malian attackers were were coming to attack his state, what did he do as the Chief Security officer of On Do State, to prevent the massacre?

    If he wants to cleverly ensure that the innocent Fulani and Hausa residing in Ondo state are not attacked, MUST HE LIE?

    How has he been spending the huge monthly allocation as Security Votes?

    This is the same way the Nigerian Police lied that the main killer of Deborah Samuel is from Niger Republic!!!

    If they are sincere then, just as the US wants Abba Kyari extradited to the U.S, Akeredolu should write to the government of Mali to extradite the killers back to Nigeria while the Nigerian police should do the same with the killer's Nigerian counterpart.


  7. The painful helpless feeling on the faces of Owo people is excruciating. And buhari is celebrating while the nation mourns! Anyone else noticed buhari’s usual vague comments about such attacks? This is the modus operandi of fulani killer herdsmen terrorists, Boko haram jihadists (fondly renamed ‘bandits’) in the northern states. This buhari government has renamed them ‘repented jihadists’ recruiting them in the Nigerian military and security forces, giving them ammunitions to continue their killings, this time legally. Hope Nigerians never forget these years with buhari.

  8. The genius of the American realist is that he is acutely aware that a disarmed populace falls prey to a tyrannical Government and to every AK 47 wielding Islamist that has ever had a Jihad boner.
    There's a kind of peace the weak obtains by submission to the strong, there's also peace in the grave, there's peace when two parties of equal abilities achieve a stalemate, there's a kind of peace one obtains from ignorance, naivette, the peace of the virgin, when the the prey is self deluded as to the motives of the predator, but by far the superior peace is one attained by force of might.
    So here's a sure projection, that unless the South confronts force with equal or superior force, the South obtains a false kind of peace and must ultimately become subservient to the North, whether by force of arms or force of personality.

  9. THE Nigeria 🇳🇬 media has been cowed by the terrorist in Aso rock if not why the caption (unidentified gunmen) say as it is and heaven will not fall lia Muhammed will only come and rant, i put it to the Nigeria media that the terrorist who bombed and shot Christians in the church in OWO ONDO STATE are fulani terrorist jihadist


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