Tricycle Rider who returned missing N15m rewarded with N250m scholarship by Peter Obi – The News Chronicle


In 2023, a young man named Awwalu Salisu from Kano did something really amazing. He found a big amount of money, 15 million Naira, left behind in his tricycle by a businessman from Chad. This happened when the businessman came to Kano to buy things.

Awwalu Salisu is just 22 years old and he lives in Yankaba, a place in Nasarawa Local Government Area.

He heard about the money through a radio announcement and decided to return it to its owner. This act of honesty caught a lot of people’s attention.

Because of his honesty, a politician named Peter Obi, who was running for president with the Labour Party in 2023, decided to do something special for Awwalu Salisu. He offered him a scholarship.

This scholarship is not just for a few years of study; it’s for all the way up to getting a PhD! And it’s worth a lot of money, 250 million Naira.

The scholarship was announced during an event called the LEADERSHIP awards and Conference in Abuja.

Peter Obi, along with Ahmed Datti, who was his running mate, made the announcement. They said that Baze University would cover all of Awwalu Salisu’s expenses, like food, housing, and of course, education, until he finishes his studies.

This story really shows the power of honesty and how doing the right thing can bring amazing opportunities.

Awwalu Salisu’s act of returning the money didn’t just make him famous, it also changed his life for the better.

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