Comments on: TOUCHING PASTOR EXPLAIN HOW SUSPECTED FULANI INVADED OWO CHURCH IN ONDO STATE There is Good in Nigeria. Tue, 07 Jun 2022 06:34:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Omowumi Olaniyan Tue, 07 Jun 2022 06:34:51 +0000 Will kneed gun to protect will safe

By: Omowumi Olaniyan Tue, 07 Jun 2022 06:28:39 +0000 I love your talk

By: Lingo D'Or Tue, 07 Jun 2022 00:49:04 +0000 one of killers of Owo Catholic Church massacre has just been
arrested by the Nigerian police. He confesses

By: Agatha Musah Mon, 06 Jun 2022 17:28:28 +0000 They were dining with Buhari yesterday in Abuja

By: Oladimeji Mon, 06 Jun 2022 16:53:33 +0000 Buhàri has brought great misfortune and disgrace to Nigeria . I never experienced
What's happening in Nigeria today in my more than six decades as a Nigerian .

By: tayobibi Mon, 06 Jun 2022 16:02:00 +0000 The man have said it all. Their trying to send a message to the Government for his band on open grazing and local policing the Amotekun. The only way forward is to recruit more able young men and armed them wigh AK47 to go after this sons of Satan in their hideouts. We can’t keep on relying on Fulani armed forces to protect us their all at it together. We need states policing and also local policing in every southwestern states for peace to reign. This is not going to be their last invasion because their planning for more attacks like schools, malls and markets, so people needs to be security conscious.

By: MusicEarth to Heaven Mon, 06 Jun 2022 15:35:19 +0000 People have been shouting and screaming that situation in Yorubaland and all over Nigeria has become horrific than ever before. Unfortunately we keep hearing news of these atrocities all around Nigeria more than ever before and people don't take it seriously because it hasn't yet happened in their hometown. Don't be fooled. Nigeria is in serious crisis. Prepare now. Everybody, find out and put up security measures to protect and defend yourselves.

By: MusicEarth to Heaven Mon, 06 Jun 2022 15:34:26 +0000 There should be no voting in Yorubaland. Anybody attempting to do any voting in Yorubaland should be disciplined. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE TO STAND UP BY SAYING NO WE WILL NOT BE PUSHED OVER ANYHOW AND KILLED ANYHOW. WE MUST ALL PUSH BACK BY REFUSING TO VOTE!!!

By: Anne Francis Elizabeth Mon, 06 Jun 2022 15:23:23 +0000 June 5, 2021 was the exact day the Fulani attacked Gbangan, Oyo State which led Sunday Igboho to start Fulani-must-go movement. Aketi (Ondo governor) is particularly despised by the Fulani for several reasons – he led SW Governors to outlaw open grazing, engineered Amotekun, he is a Christian/Igbo in-law who insists on zoning. Attacking AKETI'S HOMETOWN on Gbangan anniversary is a clear message that the Yoruba are impotent and Fulani conquest is in full force. The Fulani chose Roman Catholic because it has a good blend of Yoruba/Igbo.

This is a full-scale Fulani Jihadist war of conquest, aided by the "Nigerian" Army. Middle Belt conquest is mis-named "farmer-herder" conflict. In the East, Fulani (many of whom speak Igbo, some born in Igboland) now occupy the forests but all their attacks/kidnappings are misattributed to IPOB/ESN, although MNK is against violence. Kaduna Fulani attackers are tagged "bandits". Zamfara Fulani terrorists are mis-named "cattle rustlers." "Nigerian Army" is aiding and abetting the "mandate" of Usmanu dan Fodio, hence the OFFICIAL motto of the "Nigerian" Army TILL TODAY is "NASRUNMINALLAH" ("Victory is from Allah alone!), which was Othman dan Fodio's battle cry! The Fulani are out to fulfil the "revelations" that "Allah" gave to Uthman dan Fodio, who declared: “Allah has bestowed on me and my people the historic duty to spread the holy faith of the Prophet throughout the Caliphate and convert these pagans. If they refuse to accept Allah and his Prophet we will wash the earth, the forests, the mountains, the rivers and the streams with their pagan blood. Ours is a holy and righteous calling.”

One Nigeria MUST end NOW!!!

By: Gladys Ikomi Mon, 06 Jun 2022 15:08:45 +0000 😔 😪. No strike from buying the lamalama. If ti's is done to the killers ,they will kill every body. It has been long enough, we should no by now that they know what they want . But God is not sleeping.]]> We all still buy their cow 🐄 😔 😪. No strike from buying the lamalama. If ti's is done to the killers ,they will kill every body. It has been long enough, we should no by now that they know what they want . But God is not sleeping.
