Tinubu: Attack on Our Military Men is Attack on Our Nation, We Won’t Accept It


·      Grants full authority to go after killers

·      Says criminals will face full wrath of law

·      Describes death of soldiers as needless

·      Atiku, Obi, senators, others condemn act

·      Armed forces continue siege on Delta community, search for killers, set buildings ablaze

Deji Elumoye, Chuks Okocha, Sunday Aborisade in Abuja and Sylvester Idowu in Warri

In a tone denoting the weight of his office as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces, President Bola Tinubu, yesterday, warned that any attack on the armed forces or any of their men would be considered an attack on the nation. Tinubu said such assault was unacceptable.

The assertions were contained in the president’s formal reaction to Thursday’s killing of 16 soldiers in Delta State, which he personally signed.

Tinubu condemned the killing of the four senior officers and 12 soldiers during a peace mission in Okuoma community in Delta State by suspect criminal youths, saying such dastardly act will not be condoned.

The president granted the military leadership full authority to go after the criminals, who killed 16 of their men, and bring them to book.

Tinubu, in the one-page statement, further declared that those who perpetrated the act will not go unpunished, but face the full wrath of the law.

Describing the killing as needless, the president assured the Nigerian public that the military high command was making necessary moves to address the unfortunate incident. He said the military authorities had been mandated to ensure the prosecution of the masterminds of the crime.

Similarly, yesterday, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, former governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi, some senators, and other critical stakeholders condemned the killing, describing it as barbaric and heinous.

The military continued its siege on Okuama community, Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State, yesterday, as they searched for killers of the soldiers, who were on a peace mission to the community.

The heavily armed soldiers, who were unrelenting in their attempt to apprehend the perpetrators from the now deserted community, set ablaze buildings, allegedly owned or occupied by the suspected criminals.

While grieving over the death of the soldiers, the president extended his condolences to the families of the fallen officers and soldiers.

He said in the terse statement, “On Saturday morning, the Nigerian people and I woke up to the dreadful news of the unprovoked killing of our brave military personnel during a rescue mission to Okuoma community, Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State.

“The incident occurred on Thursday, 14 March, 2024, when our troops, responding to a crisis between Okuama and Okoloba communities in Delta State, were ambushed. A Commanding Officer, two Majors, one Captain and 12 soldiers sadly lost their lives. One civilian was also killed.

“As the Commander-in-Chief, I join all well-meaning Nigerians and the men and women of our armed forces to mourn and express my profound grief over the needless death of our gallant soldiers.

“I extend my profound condolences to the families of these fallen soldiers, their colleagues and their loved ones.

“The military high command is already responding to this incident. The cowardly offenders responsible for this heinous crime will not go unpunished.

“This incident, once again, demonstrates the dangers faced by our servicemen and women in the line of duty. I salute their heroism, courage and uncommon grit and patriotism.

“As a nation, we must constantly remember and honour all those who have paid the ultimate price to keep our country safe, strong and united. The officers and men, who died in Okuama community have joined the pantheon of great men and women, who gave their all, with honour, in the service of our fatherland.

“Members of our armed forces are at the heart and the core of our nationhood. Any attack on them is a direct attack on our nation. We will not accept this wicked act.”

Tinubu stated, “The Defence Headquarters and Chief of Defence Staff have been granted full authority to bring to justice anybody found to have been responsible for this unconscionable crime against the Nigerian people.

“My government will not relent until we achieve peace and tranquillity in every part of Nigeria.

“May God continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria and keep the members of our armed forces safe.”

Atiku Condemns Killing, Seeks Restraint

Former Vice President Atiku Abubukar condemned the killing of the soldiers on a peace mission at Okuama in Delta State.

However, Atiku called for restraint by the soldiers.

In a statement via his X account, which he signed, the former vice president said, “The brutal killing of over a dozen Nigerian soldiers in Okuama in the Ughelli South Local Government Area and Okolaba in the Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State stands condemned.”

The presidential candidate of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the last general election, added, “There can never be a justification for a premeditated killing of soldiers on a legitimate assignment.”

However, he said, “Even as we grieve the loss of these soldiers, who are not only Nigerians but have families and dependents, I urge restraint by the military authorities in its response. I would recommend that the culprits be arrested and prosecuted.”

Obi: It’s Barbaric, Utterly Unacceptable

The presidential candidate of Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 general election, Peter Obi, also condemned the killing of the army officers and soldiers in Delta State, describing it as barbaric and completely unacceptable.

Reacting in a post on his X handle, Obi called for immediate investigation of the incident.

He stated, “This killing is barbaric and totally unacceptable and should not be tolerated by Nigerians and any sane society.

“For a nation already combatting a high level of insecurity, the killing of our security personnel, who put their lives on the line for the security of the nation will be too much of a burden to bear.

“These sad occurrences and many cases of killings, kidnappings, and violent crimes around the country have continued to fuel very deep concerns over the security of the nation.

“These security operatives are making a lot of sacrifices in their line of duty and, in some cases, pay the supreme price. We must, therefore, appreciate and value them by showing empathy towards them and ensuring healthcare for those who are wounded.”

The former governor of Anambra State added, “There should be adequate compensation and welfare packages for the families of those who die in active service. All of us should always show our love by commiserating with their families and even visiting them in such difficult times.

“I sincerely condole with the families of the security personnel that died and their security formations (Nigerian Army and the Nigeria Police Force respectively) over the sad loss of their personnel.”

Obi also said, “I encourage them not to be dispirited by these ugly developments but to see it as a challenge to increase their efforts in their duties.

“I urge the government and the security agencies to leave no stone unturned in investigating, arresting, and prosecuting those behind these ugly acts.”

Senators Commiserate with Military

Chairman, Senate Committee on Army, Senator Abdulaziz Yar’adua, expressed condolences with the Nigerian Army and the Chief of Defence Staff over the death of the military personnel in Delta State.

Yar’adua commiserated with the Chief of Defence Staff, Chief of Army Staff, the Nigerian Army, and officers and men of Operation Delta Safe on the loss of the gallant personnel.

The senator, who expressed his condolences in a statement, said, “The sacrifices made by the Commanding Officer, three officers, and 12 soldiers during this distressing incident shall forever be remembered.

“Their bravery and commitment exemplify the highest virtue of patriotism, courage, and sacrifice, and their legacy will forever inspire us all.

“I wish to commend the swift response of the Chief of Defence Staff in directing an immediate investigation to apprehend those responsible for this heinous crime.

“It is crucial that justice is served and those behind this criminal act are brought to account for their actions. The Nigerian Army’s unwavering focus on upholding peace and security in our nation is a testament to the resilience and dedication of our Armed Forces.”

Yar’adua said, “The Senate Committee on the Nigerian Army stands resolutely alongside the Defense Headquarters and the Nigerian Army in seeking justice for the fallen heroes.

“We shall spare no effort in supporting the necessary investigations and legal processes to ensure that those responsible for this crime face the full consequences of their actions.”

On his part, Vice Chairman, Senate Committee on Defence, Senator Joel-Onowakpo Thomas, said the incident was a crisis taken too far.

While commiserating with the military and the immediate families of the slain soldiers, Joel-Onowakpo called for a holistic investigation into the remote causes of the crisis that led to the unwarranted killing of innocent soldiers.

He stressed the need for the security agencies to go after the masterminds of the heinous crime.

The senator, who also sympathised with the families of those who might have lost their loved ones as a result of the crisis, sued for immediate intervention of both the state and federal governments to avoid further escalation of the crisis.

He, however, stressed on the need for the military to tactically deploy intelligence in the pursuit of the masterminds to avoid killing of innocent children and women of Okuama community, who might not know anything about the act.

Mutu Condemns Act, Decries Linkage with Ijaw, Urges Arrest, Prosecution of Killers

A member of the House of Representatives, representing Bomadi/Patani Federal Constituency of Delta State, Nicholas Mutu, condemned Thursday’s killing of 16 soldiers and described the act as “barbaric and inhuman.”

Mutu, who is also Chairman of the Southern Nigeria Caucus in the House of Representatives, made his position known in a statement by his media office yesterday.

The federal lawmaker said the killing of the 16 solders, including a Lt. Col, two Majors and one Captain of the Nigerian Army, on a peace keeping assignment in the Urhobo community was “senseless and embarrassing.”

Mutu challenged all relevant security agencies to work round the clock to fish out the killers and bring them to justice.

He warned that the criminals should not escape justice in order to serve as deterrent to those who might be planning to indulge in such heinous crimes in the future. 

Mutu, however, frowned on the distortion of facts of the incident in a section of the press, which linked the fate of the soldiers to Ijaw militias in Okoloba, an Ijaw community in Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta state.

He stated, “This is far from truth of the incident. The Ijaw is not in any way linked or connected to this unjustifiable barbaric and inhuman and condemnable act.”

Niger Delta Oil and Gas CDC Decries Killings

The leadership of the Community Development Committees of Niger Delta Oil and Gas Producing Areas (CDC) condemned the killing of the soldiers of the 181 Amphibious Battalion of the Nigerian Army over a communal clash, describing it as unacceptable.

“There is no justification for this type of barbaric behaviour of a people against officers and men of the security forces,” the organisation stated.

CDC, in a statement by its Chairman, Board of Trustees, Joseph Ambadekerimo, declared, “We cannot allow this ugly incident to continue to happen in our communities. The region should not be made to become a hot bed of insecurity.

“We have enjoyed relative peace and we enjoin all and sundry to key in to continue to provide the atmosphere of peace and tranquil togetherness in our communities. We have prided the Niger Delta region as the most peaceful of the country and we urge it remains so.”

The group expressed sadness that peace keepers had now become targets while trying to maintain peace and provide security to lives and property. It stated that the culprits should be fished out and made to pay the highest price.

Military Continues Siege on Delta Community

The military, yesterday, continued its siege on Okuama community in their search for killers of four officers and 12 soldiers, who were on a peace mission to the community.

Security sources told THISDAY that the heavily armed soldiers were unrelenting in their attempt to apprehend the perpetrators, in spite of the fact that the community was already deserted.

It was gathered that some buildings, allegedly owned or occupied by the suspected perpetrators, were set ablaze by the angry soldiers.

A security source said, “Yes, soldiers are still in the community. They are looking out for the perpetrators of that dastardly act. They will definitely get them as more arrests were made between Saturday and today (Sunday).

“Some houses were set on fire but I can’t say who set them on fire and when. We came in to join the troops and noticed that they were on fire,”

It was learnt that partial peace had returned to the community, though it was deserted but elderly men and women were seen sitting down in front of their homes looking dejected.

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