The Paradoxical Year: Bishop Ajose’s Vision Of 2024 

 The Paradoxical Year: Bishop Ajose’s Vision Of 2024 

 Bishop Dr. Theophilus Taiwo Ajose is the President, Ajose Ministries International Inc., and Rector, Prayer and Intercession School. Filled with Prophetic auction, Ajose gives a spiritual insight into what the Lord has in stock for the world in general and Nigeria in particular in 2024 as he narrates to EJIKEME OMENAZU on the New Year Eve. 

 2024 comes with unprecedented happenings and manifestations that will change the way we relate and operate in the world presently. 

It is also a year of paradoxical occurrences which shall leave least prepared people more confused. The Cherubim-Archangel of the Year 2024, who has never left the celestial realm since creation, has been assigned the onerous assignment by the Godhead to enforce the divine will on the earth in order to stop the catastrophic plans of anti-Christ Satanic world powers to speed forward toward political, social and economic anarchy. 

The power of the Name, Person, Blood and Authority of Jesus Christ shall be made more manifest in 2024 and those who walk in the authority of the Our Lord Jesus Christ shall perform more exploits and gain much ground for the Lord in the hearts and souls of the unregenerate; and in many nations of the world. 

The Holy Spirit shall hover and brood over peoples and nations to remove the veil of darkness covering the eyes of understanding of the enemies of the cross of Jesus Christ. More souls shall be brought to the knowledge of Christ Jesus in 2024 than in the last 15 years! 

Religious Re-engineering, Persecution 

The religious and social worlds of the peoples on the earth, modes of worship and social communication and interaction shall be greatly reengineered in a way that will see many people question their faiths and spiritual leaders. 

Centuries long-held religious belief systems shall be jettisoned for new and compromised religious systems. Religious persecution shall increase and be unprecedented in 2024 more than the last 500 years! 

World Powers’ Gambit 

Right from the first week of the month of January, 2024, there shall be confusion of high magnitude among the world’s powerful nations. There shall be multiple economic and political warfare engagements that shall greatly affect the economies of the world. 

From the month of April, 2024, third world countries shall have their export capabilities hampered and they shall be compelled to increase their importation of goods and services, which they don’t need. This will then create economic hardships of great dimensions leading to various forms of social unrest. The countries that shall be hard hit are North and West African countries and most of the Caribbean countries. 

Russia, USA, UK, China 

These quadruple nations shall be the cynosure of all eyes in 2024 as they all battle for supremacy of authority in world affairs. This will greatly affect the structure and nature of the United Nations and shall lead to its unprecedented restructuring from how it is presently constituted. There shall be a serious confrontation between the USA and Russia; and between China and USA in the first half of 2024. These shall lead to diplomatic rows and realignment among these nations. 

The Lord of hosts shall intervene to ameliorate a great conflict which would have brought the world into a third world war (the time is not yet!) 

Political Leadership Change 

One of these quadruple nations of USA, UK, Russia and China shall lose its leader in 2024 and there shall also be a great social unrest in the USA and Russia in 2024. There shall be a leadership change in the United Kingdom in the first half of 2024. 

A violent leadership change of government shall occur in a great African nation; intercessions should be engaged to avert civil war as a result of bloodbath occasioned by the violent change of political leadership in this great African nation. Two other nations in Africa shall also experience military takeover of government. 

The USA elections shall bring a lot of surprises to the world as new unexpected leadership emerges. The nation of America, and indeed the world, shall never be the same again after the 2024 elections 

Barack Obama 

Incessant prayers and intercessions should be made for the first Black President of the United States of America, President Barack Obama, concerning health challenges which may threaten his life and peace. 

Weather: Heat Waves, Natural Disasters, Unusual Occurrences In Solar And Stellar Entities 

There shall be a wave of natural disasters across North America and Western Europe in 2024. Heat waves shall blow through North and West Africa which may result in unprecedented deaths of animals and humans, with concomitant health challenges, if intervention responses are not deployed in time. 

Scientists shall discover unusual movements and occurrences in both the solar and stellar entities. An unusual and unprecedented movement of the sun and a change in the radiation of light by the stars shall lead to a scientific bewilderment and fear which may lift up hitherto jettisoned scientific hypotheses concerning these entities from scientific ‘waste bins’. This discovery shall lead to our world emerging into a ‘new’ world with inventions and knowledge that will change the way we live and operate our lives in the nearest future. 

Western Nigeria, especially Lagos, Ogun and Oyo states, should put necessary precautionary measures and policy in place in order to ameliorate the effects of a large-scale flooding and storm coming to this region in the second and third quarter of 2024. 

Wealth, Prosperity, Successes 

Despite some unwelcome events of 2024, there shall be a great paradoxical increase in the wealth and prosperity of the peoples on the earth. People shall make more money and wealth through farming, financial trading and technology, stocks, cryptocurrency, internet and cyberspace services, consultancy services, real estate and medicals. 

Those who desire to create wealth for themselves from 2024 and beyond should take up skills in these areas and fields. In fact, the Cherubim-Archangel of the Year 2024 has the divine mandate and command of the Holy Spirit for wealth creation and distribution in the nations of the world. There shall be more billionaires in 2024 than in the last 10 years, most of them shall be below the age of 50! 

The Nation Of Israel 

The current war on-going between Israel and Hamas shall continue unabated in the first quarter of 2024. An attack too many from Israel shall attract world-wide condemnations and this may threaten the relationship between Israel and its allies. However, more nations of Arab extraction shall extend an olive branch to Israel and shall work out a peace plan for the Middle East. 

Nigeria’s Political Fulcrum 

The restiveness in Nigeria’s political and partisan narratives continues in 2024 with meltdown syndrome rearing its head up in the major opposition political parties occasioned by internal divisions, strife and betrayals. This will initially lead to a seeming one-party situation. However, the ruling party shall experience rebellious and disloyal activities which shall also lead to an unstable political front which may threaten its hold on power. 

Uncommon divine wisdom is needed by the ruling government to galvanise the political system in order to avoid unnecessary social unrest which may lead to political instability. In fact, there MUST be a change in the leadership and structure of the ruling political party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), within the first quarter of 2024, if the government in power must survive the political and social whirlwinds coming at it engineered by the moles and wolves within, in alignment with their international and regional collaborators. 


The three other leading political parties in Nigeria shall experience internal warfare and realignment which may see most of its foremost members joining or working for the ruling political party, APC. These may temporarily cause mass exodus of members from these parties however, the remnant shall build up these parties to make them stronger than hitherto. 

The duo of Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Peter Obi of the Labour Party (LP) shall be systematically ‘retired’ by their political parties in order to create a more vibrant and stronger platform for political engagements and power. 

The political enemies of Peter Obi shall enmesh him in a scandal, with International undertone, which shall weaken his political resolve and cause him to retreat politically. He should also avoid unnecessary travels and avoid heavily crowded environments. He shall receive an international award in 2024. 

The New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP) should be very careful of wasting away its strong political fortune and grace! There should be intense prayers against spiritually engineered attacks on the leadership of the party. NNPP shall still make a strong showing on the Nigeria political space if it embraces peace within its fold. 

Dr. Rabiu Kwankwaso, the Presidential candidate of the NNPP in the 2023 general elections, shall still remain highly relevant in Nigeria political narrative and shall be the wooing-bride of other political parties in 2024. However, he needs to seek the face of the Lord in order to avoid walking through doors not opened by the Lord and to know and understand his divine role in the stabilisation of the Nigerian polity. He should take much time to rest and avoid traveling in the first quarter of 2024. 

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu 

The first half of 2024 is a flash point and minefield on the political path of the Nigerian President and the Nigerian government. 2024 presents the fiercest political test and challenge to Nigeria’s foremost political proverbial ‘cat with nine lives’! 

The Archangel of the Nigeria nation speaks the mysteries of Nigeria’s survival and posited that the first four months of the year 2024 should see the President building bridges across the different political divides and he should not listen to his “enemies in friends’ clothing” who are urging him to tread a unitary path to nowhere. 

Tinubu’s Health: Concurrently at this period, the President needs to reduce his work loads and take adequate rest of his body and mind in order to avert a major health strike. The President should be very careful what and where he drinks or eats and should avoid drinking water not directly from his own source or provision. 

Social Unrest 

From the first quarter of 2024, some elements within and outside the government shall take advantage of the uncanny economic situations to create a system of social unrest in the country. The government needs to ask for divine wisdom in handling these moles and their collaborators in order to forestall a total break

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