The Lagos State Report On Mass Burial Should Have Been Explicit. -Liborous Oshoma


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  1. Esomo is a very filthy human being. He’s an image launderer for Lagos state government. Muddling up issues to deceive gullible listeners. Like him, Alede the interviewer is absolutely deplorable too. Nasty individuals who have sold their souls for lucre!

  2. This hungry APC man has now claim to be spoke person for Lagos State government.

    Coming out to the national television to speak with his both side of the mouth. Where's the common sense in all of his submission? Just zero!

    Is the news paper the best place to place advertise?

    How many people buy news paper or read from them ?

    How many advertising
    where made through the radio or national television as to call for the family of the dead victims??

    Arise TV should stop inviating people of this nature.

  3. I tried so hard to buy every explanation offered by this legal luminary in this interview but i find it difficult to come to agree with the fact that the entire 103 dead bodies found didn’t have any family to identify them before the mass burial was conducted. I do know homeless or destitutes whatever you want to call them exist in every society however I completely disagree all of them could possibly fall into that category thus validate non ownership of any of the bodies by anyone. I think there is more to this story than we are being told.

  4. I don't know how 99+3=103. Which calculator did he use or I don't no math again. You will always look foolish and stupid when you try to defend lies. See a growth Man that don't know simple mathematics because he chose to defend lies… What a country what a shame.

  5. We have Bank, NCC and driver's license biometrics. It is high time govt starts using them to identify bodies like these…A govt that demonize her own citizens and send their youths to early grave..!! Shame..


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