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  1. The old man is now reasoning like a baby.
    Biafrans should forgive him.
    It is not his fault.
    It is natural.
    Ordinarily, he ought to insist that Nigeria should obey her own court.
    Remove from the root and the tree goes down.
    Release MNK.

  2. Those who have nothing to offer for the situation Biafrans precisely Igbo speaking Biafrans are facing in Nigeria. Nigeria is wicked and evil that's why they defy their court orders.

  3. Nonsense! Only idiots and those who can't think straight, only those of you who love the slavery and suffering in Nigeria, only those who have no sense in their brains, would not know and see the impact of this Sit-at-home on the wicked evil Nigerian state and the liberation of our people. Sit-at-home will continue until MNK is released. Full Stop!

  4. Release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu release nmadi Kanu!!

  5. What I think everyone of us will be saying and shouting for is the release of MNK. It is quite unfortunate and very surprising that we are crying for not going out on Monday for business and work and leaving behind the release of MNK which is the main reason for the sit at home. Are we normal atall?

  6. Let all those People talking about sit at home order most be talking about release our able leader mazi nnamadi Kaun ok you are talking about money level but you are not talking about talking about release our able leader mazi nnamadi Kaun ok the Federerl criminels gouvernement of zoo called Nigeria are the behind all those problem in biafrans land ok but I dont know why you People are blind or you lack of understanding ok that is why you are talking about sit at home order ok because if You People have senses you People should stop fighting against sit at home order because he is not the problem so the problem is you People because you People never accepté to do the need full and look into the élection in Nigeria 2023 what happen between the résults and you People are sit at home order that shows that you the zoo called Nigeria are not intelligent enough to under stand you Peoples problem ok so you People have to release our able leader mazi nnamadi Kaun and stop corruption and looting public fund and stop Killing our youths in biafrans land and do what is right and bring développement into zoo called Nigeria because with out développement in everywhere the will still be à problem ok you People should not be blind in thinking and with out open your eyes and see what good things the leaders today have to give to the général public ok you People should stop talking about sit at home order ok because it will not stop until the right thing been done

  7. It is the hand that bit drum to make sound, The Sit at home was introduced because of Nnamdi Kanu whom the court have realsed to go while the DSS keep holding him. The federal Goverment should realse him, let see if the sit at home will contuines or stop. As far as Nnamdi kanu is there 80% will contuine to SIT AT HOME.


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