Shehu Sani Weighs In on Tense War of Words Between Peter Obi and Dave Umahi


Former senator Shehu Sani has added fuel to the fire of the ongoing conflict between political heavyweights Mr. Peter Obi and Mr. Dave Umahi.

 In a recent statement shared via his official X account, Sani delved into the heated war talks between the two prominent figures, shedding light on the escalating tensions.

Sani’s remarks underscore the intensity of the verbal sparring between Dave Umahi, current Minister of Works and former governor of Ebonyi State, and Peter Obi, former governor of Anambra State and presidential candidate of the Labour Party. 

He emphasized the use of strong language in their exchanges, suggesting a deep-rooted disagreement over critical issues such as the Lagos-Calabar superhighway and the resulting demolitions of infrastructures.

The statement implies that Peter Obi sounded the alarm on certain matters, prompting a fierce retaliatory response from Dave Umahi. 

This exchange of verbal blows highlights the profound divergence in perspectives and interests between the two Eastern political figures.

The implications of this ongoing feud extend beyond mere verbal jousting, particularly as Nigeria gears up for future elections. 

The outcome of these war talks could significantly influence public opinion and shape the trajectory of political discourse in the country.

Shehu Sani’s intervention serves to draw attention to the simmering tensions between Peter Obi and Dave Umahi, offering valuable insights into the underlying dynamics of their conflict and its broader implications for Nigerian politics.

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