Saraki Pays Off Mr Ibu’s Medical Expenses


The former Senate President and two-term Governor of Kwara State, Bukola Saraki has fully paid the medical bills of Nollywood actor, John Okafor, better known as Mr Ibu.

New Telegraph had earlier reported that Mr Ibu who is currently in the hospital begged Nigerians to help him financially in order to be able to pay for his surgery.

However, 48 hours after he made the public outcry, Senator Bukola Saraki’s Foundation has been said to have completely paid all the medical bills to ensure his surgery is carried out at the appropriate time.

This was contained in a statement issued on the Foundation’s official Facebook page on Friday, October 20.

The terse statement reads, “The Abubakar Bukola Saraki Foundation is proud to have supported Mr. John Okafor, commonly known as Mr. Ibu, a well-known comedy icon who has graced our screens and filled countless homes with laughter and joy over the past forty years.


“The Abubakar Bukola Saraki Foundation has fully covered the medical expenses of the renowned Nollywood actor, John Okafor, popularly known as Mr. Ibu.

“When we learned of his recent health challenges and the financial burdens associated with his medical treatment, we felt a deep sense of responsibility to assist in any way we could. We promptly paid off his entire medical expenses as of Wednesday.

“We encourage everyone who can to come forward and assist in any capacity, whether it’s through financial contributions, moral support, or prayers.

“We wish him a swift and complete recovery.”


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