Rivers State And Challenges Of 2023 Elections – Magnus Abe


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  1. Sir, you don't have a case, you have clearly said that you don't want to go into the presidential election, the case is between Pastor Tonye C. and SIM. If you don't want to talk about the Presidential election why talk about the governorship election.?

  2. Magnus, go and sit down somewhere, how do you mean it was only in river state that all that happen? You don't want to tell yourself the truth, your Godfather in Lagos State the man you tell people that he is the man for Nigeria Tinubu,is the one Wike learn all that from,since all what happened in Lagos we did not hear you say anything,all of you who don't want right thing to happen in Nigeria will continue to face the Ruth ,you smart Adeyemi ,we are waiting for you people at a corner, you should stop calling the name of God, you Hippocrates

  3. During the presidential elections rigging didn't take place because you supported BAT. Governorship was rigged and u are not happy about it. You are reluctant to speak boldly about the ills of presidential elections. National APC didn't support state APC in Rivers state

  4. Nigerian problem. You can’t comment on the presidential election because it is subjudice but you are ready to vomit rubbish about your gubernatorial loss. Magnus you are a hypocrite and a joke.

  5. It's a shame you are okay with the manipulations in the presidential election but you are not okay when it does not favor you to become the governor of Rivers state. A lot needs to be fixed for Nigeria to be better for us and APC lead government does not have that capacity and capability. .

  6. This one wants to eat his cake and have it. You're not serious. Since the presidential election was okay in your view, so is the gubernatorial. Go to sleep or go to court Magnus Iberibe

  7. Mr Abe, how I wish you can find the time to read the comments of viewers on YouTube. That is how people rate you. It's a pity that you're flagrantly inconsistent in your position on the outcome of the elections. You described the elections as characterised by violence and peaceful?
    BAT built alliance that brought APC that has taken Nigeria backwards rather than forward.
    Mr Abe has no moral rights to complain about how the gubernatorial election in Rivers State was conducted if he is satisfied with how the presidential election was held in Rivers State, period.

  8. Magnus, the rubber bullet politician, is a shameless man. Does he think he is talking to babies? Supporting Wike's support for BAT and enjoys the stolen mandate and can't comment on the brigandry that openly happened. Consciencelessness on AriseTV.

  9. Karma is real. You are now crying fowl because it now affected you but you kept quiet during the presidential election. God will judge all of you that supported that evil and you all will suffer for it. Evil politicians

  10. Can you stop using the word DISTINGUISHED for this morons in Nigeria. What is distinguished about a politician in Nigeria who only wants to feed fat on the tax payers money without serving the people. Your guest is not a distinguished guest, he is one of the many deceitful politicians in Nigeria.

  11. You are a clear-cut hypocrite, and it shall not be well with you. For being so alof and criminally untruthful about what APC and PDP did in the Rivers State. You're a liar, wicked, and should not be permitted anywhere closer to the corridor of power. Supporting Tinubu in any form or format is wicked, and you are wicked and dubious in your thoughts and deeds. Mr. man, you can't deny the fact that LP won hands down in the Rivers State. You know it, and everyone knows.

  12. Oga, so it was ok for Wike to rigg d presidential elections in favor of d APC, but not ok for him to rigg d state elections…pls go and sit down…u shld b ashamed of yourself.

  13. OLD THIEF!

    Let’s forget the presidential election issues and move on supposedly “for the good of the country” but not the gubernatorial election issues – because the latter personally affects you. OLODO RABATA!!🤬

  14. Every time you people will be referring those who wouldn’t have won election that made it this time,if not Obi and obident people they wouldn’t have won.Now you people are giving Buhari the credit instead of Labour Party and obident.

  15. Many Nigerians are foolish, especially the so called educated. They are academically good, but are very foolish, especially this man talking. He is one of the most foolish Nigerians. Nonsense politician and want to become a Senitor.


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