1. APC government must be removed from the government site in Nigeria by every means necessary, otherwise, we will all die before two more years under their Satanic rule. This is a task all Nigerian must join hands together to do as soon as possible in order to save our lives. #End APC

  2. If we can't conduct free and fair elections as Nigerians and black people in this IT age and time, then the DNA 🧬 of Nigerians and black people needs to be intensively studied and corrected. Big shame to Nigeria!

  3. Partisan reporting is not bad, you support Labour Party which is good because this is democracy.

    Own it with your chest! Stop making videos and portraying yourself as non-partisan because that is cowardice.

    APC, LP, NNPP and PDP are all the same to a non-partisan.

  4. Rotimi Amechi is the Chief rigger of Elections in South/ South Region .
    As a Minister of Transportation , Amechi is a failure , you left your region without rail line , nothing whatsoever you have done to remember you .and you are speaking about Election . Is there any different between you people .


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