Reno Omokri Knocks Obi for Criticising N3bn Allocation for Social Register Verification


Reno Omokri

Reno Omokri Knocks Obi for Criticising N3bn Allocation for Social Register Verification

POLITICS DIGEST – Former Aide to ex President Goodluck Jonathan, Reno Omokri has lashed out at the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), during the 2023 general elections over his tackling of President Bola Tinubu’s approval of N3 billion to verify the national register of the poor.

The self-styled Table Shaker faulted the former Anambra state governor for describing President Tinubu’s action as
‘a misplaced priority’ when the country needed several reforms.

In his Facebook post, Omokri noted that Obi is ‘ignorant’, questioning why he would be critical of the federal government’s approval of N3 billion to verify the national register of the poor, when just a local government in Kano state can use the equivalent of such amount for the same project, or even the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC’s auditing of voters.

He then challenged his followers to fact-check him, adding that, The United Kingdom, with only quarter of Nigeria’s population uses twice of the debated amount to audit its benefit program.

“If you say 3 billion Naira is too much to audit the social register of over forty million Nigerians experiencing poverty, then you are just as ignorant as Peter Obi. That amount is $3 million. Ask an accounting firm to audit just one Local Government in Kano and see how much they charge you.

“Ask yourself how much it cost the Independent National Electoral Commission to audit the voter register. Please fact-check me. The United Kingdom, with only a quarter of our population, used twice that amount to audit their benefit program.

“Peter Obi knows his audience. They are a tribal based group of disgruntled elements with a confirmation bias against any positive news about Nigeria. That is why he engages in these pedestrian lies. With the mind-boggling fraud involved in the National Social Insurance Program in the last government, any responsible government would have audited the program. Oh, and by the way, Peter Obi spent more than twice that amount (when converted to dollars at the rate of that time) to run his office as Governor of Anambra annually. Again, please fact-check me”

Omokri, who has been a staunch critic of the former Labour Party’s presidential candidate, had in a separate post on 10, January 2024 questioned his followers’ moral audacity for demanding the probe of the suspended minister of ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Edu Betta.

He said it amounts to moral hypocrisy on the part of the Obidients to be calling for Edu’s trial, even though President Tinubu had suspended her, when their principal, Peter Obi couldn’t actually account for the money donated for him during his presidential campaign last year.

“How can you ask Betty Edu to account for public money, yet you defend Peter Obi, who has refused to account for the money the public donated to him to campaign? At least Tinubu has suspended Betta Edu.

“Who suspended your sense of right and wrong? And your Peter Obi, who now flies private jet anyhow, is criticising both Tinubu and his ministers. If not that tribal sentiments blinds you, you would have seen how ridiculous your Peter sounds by asking others to do what he has not done”.

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