Hey viewers, I went to check out how ready the Ebonyi International Cargo Airport is relative to the official commissioning day/date. This is what I found out



  1. I donโ€™t have issue when people bring in constructive argument over an issue such as this airport project, but you hiding under the umbrella of color to take away the glory of this amazing project is very unfortunate. For the first time in humanityโ€ฆ. You have a project like an airport 98% built by localsโ€ฆ. Black localsโ€ฆ. Igbo locals, (Ebonyi resilient locals) and u want to take the glory away on the alter of color riot?, God bless all the local engineers that made this project a reality, innately you are the envy of other states that looked down on ebonyi state.

  2. This is beautiful but the color combinations would have been minimized. Excessive colors make it look like Kindergarten school. Would have prefered they use more of White colors. Anyways, great job Dave!!!!

  3. So Ebonyi state later be the best state in Eastern region of Nigeria, I call Ebonyi state the Israelites of Igbo people, who is where suffering in the hand Egyptian and later be the number one in the whole world , God bless that man called David umahi, throughly your the David in the Bible

  4. I love the uniqueness of Ebonyi Airport and the conveyor belts are of standard.. I disagree with all those saying it looks like a mall blablabla. Why can't one choose to do things differently? Who sets the standards of how an Airport interior should particularly look like? Kudos to the Ebonyi state Govt led by Dave Umahi and good job sis for this videos.

  5. God bless Engr Dave Umahi… This legacy will transcend many generations to come… I pray they partner with Qatar Airways to be reaching there as International carrier since Ethiopian Airline is already reaching Enugu(a neighbouring State)
    Let them leave Egypt or Moroccan Airline, their services are terrible.

  6. It looks like a discothรจque, or a nightclub, an entertainment venue or club where live music is recorded. The colors are so distracting. I have never seen an airport anywhere in the world look like this. I am perplexed.
    Still, I hope the airport gets approved for operations to begin, because it was built with borrowed money, a significant amount embezzled by way of bribes and kickbacks.

  7. You all should stop limiting his achievements to just South East, I don't say much about polities and neither am I from South East, but since the creation of Nigeria, no any poli-Tief-cians Dead or alive have achieve just quarter of what this man achieved, in infrastructure development, The projects are countless you don't even know where to start. Although i am not a fan of his style of "Designs or finishing" Worse finishing projects I have ever seen in my Life. So please edit your comments and put Nigeria and don't limit his achievements to just one region when it's beyond that. He literally built the biggest AIRPORT, MALL, MEDICAL UNIVERSITY/ HOSPITAL in ( West Africa ), let me not even start with "23 AUTHENTIC SOLID FLY OVERS" the highest ever in West Africa. And many more solid projects I can't even list all here because they are just so much. Please enough of this limiting his efforts to just a region. Y'all should stop limiting his achievements to just South East, it's beyond Nigeria not to talk of just East. He did all that with little resources available, then you can imagine what he will do when there's more fund.

  8. I don't know why people are saying he's the best in "South East", then where and who else has done quater of what he did in the history of this Country entirely. Stop limiting his achievements to just a region when there's no one that has achieve that in the entire Countries history. And I am talking about all his projects in general. The list are endless.

  9. This is not an international airport standard.Colour does not make airport international standard.I hope there is a road leading to the airport as Nigeria seems to put the cart before the horse..

  10. This is very commendable. I hope other SE states can learn from this. Iโ€™d love to see Igbo cultural consciousness here and there. You know , artworks- paintings and sculptures and even Igbo architecture. All the same, this is a good place to start. Well done Governor Umahi

    Iโ€™d expect the next administration to pick up from here in developing attractions of international standard that would attract people into this state. It is doable.


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