‘Put a padlock on your mouth’, Labour Party slams Apapa-led faction over attacks on Obi


Leaders of the Labour Party (LP), in the six geopolitical zones of the country, have berated the faction of the party led by Lamidi Apapa over repeated attacks on the presidential candidate of the party in the 2023 presidential election, Peter Obi.

The party leadership specifically lampooned the Publicity Secretary of the Apapa-led faction, Abayomi Arabambi, over what they described as his “serial inflammatory blackmail” of Obi.

The party leaders including National Secretary, Comrade Tony Akeni, Bishop Samuel Omede, among others, in a joint statement, cautioned Arabambi against making inciting and inflammatory statements against the former Anambra State governor.

“We condemn in the gravest terms the serial, mercantile blackmail fed inexorably to the Nigerian public in endless inflammatory defamation, and diatribes by Mr. Abayomi Arabambi against our Presidential candidate in the 2023 elections, His Excellency, Peter Obi,” the statement reads.

Read also: Factional LP Chair, Apapa, gives Obi’s lawyers 48 hours to give him tribunal updates

“As the Apapa faction will recall, we wrote astringently to Alhaji Lamidi Apapa on September 7, and again on September 17, 2023, among many other communications, for their faction to prevail on Abayomi Arabambi to discontinue his vitriolic and unacceptable diatribes against the integrity and reputation of our party leader, H.E Peter Obi.

“In those correspondences, we admonished that if the Apapa faction truly recognized Peter Obi as our presidential flag bearer and leader, they should put a leash and padlock on Arabambi’s neck and mouth, compel him to ‘refrain from incendiary public statements against our principal,’ and to conduct himself with civilize restraint, as other leaders of their faction have done.

“Finally, we wish to register one incontestable fact. Irrespective of the ill-fated outcome of the Supreme Court judgment of October 26 on the 2023 presidential election, H.E Peter Gregory Obi remains the undisputed leader of the Labour Party, and the global rallying totem of modern-day Nigeria emancipation struggle, otherwise christened the ObiDient Movement,” the LP leaders said.

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