Comments on: Police Parade Seven Suspected Ritualists In Ogun, Warn Youths To Avoid Crimes There is Good in Nigeria. Tue, 27 Feb 2024 08:53:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: @okachikpalukwu1679 Sat, 17 Feb 2024 17:17:57 +0000 Nigerian youths, unfortunately, many of us are under the illusion that something will change in our country if we do nothing. The contrary is true. If we do nothing, nothing will change. The time to revolt against a dilapidated system is now. We must take back our country or watch it sink into total meltdown before our eyes. A bad messenger cannot be trusted to deliver a good message!

Tinubu and APC are gambling with our lives, and we are allowing them by keeping silent. The IMF, The World Bank, and the European Union are determined to destroy Africa, and Nigeria is listed as their first victim. In their estimate, when you cut off the head, the rest is easy to destroy. They are after our mineral resources and our blind leaders are quietly and timidly accepting their unsustainable proposals. These world bodies are secretly making plans to re-colonize Africa economically, and we are folding our hands and watching them do it. When are we going to wake up?

They are doing these things because they are hostage takers! Our leaders have indebted themselves, and the only way they can pay their death to these world bodies is compromise with our lives. Tinubu and APC know what happened to Buhari, but they are not telling us. They continue to steal and loot our oil and natural resources with no one stopping them. Tinubu is a career criminal, a drug baron, and a certificate forger who has compromised himself in all sorts of ways, and Nigerians are now paying the price. Tinubu is a fraud! When are we going to back our country from these thieves? When are we going to rise up and say enough is enough? The world is watching, and history is recording.

By: @ogumka1976 Sat, 17 Feb 2024 14:58:12 +0000 3rd world country, killing people for money, rather than use ur brain
