‘Peter Obi’s Appeal Against Tinubu’s Victory Dead on Arrival, He Can’t Win, Won’t Be President’ – Primate Ayodele


In a recent statement from Primate Elijah Ayodele, the Leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, Peter Obi’s quest to overturn President Bola Tinubu’s victory at the Supreme Court has been deemed futile. Peter Obi, having previously lost his challenge at the presidential election petition tribunal, appears to face an uphill battle in the country’s highest court.

Primate Ayodele, through his media aide, Osho Oluwatosin, conveyed a stark message: Peter Obi’s Supreme Court bid is “dead on arrival.” He suggested that the outcome of the election could have been different for Obi had he taken the right steps at the right time, but now, challenging Tinubu’s victory in court is unlikely to bear fruit.

According to Primate Ayodele, “Peter Obi’s matter to Supreme Court is dead on arrival; he can’t win the case and won’t be president of Nigeria. His case will be thrown out. Obi would have won the election but he didn’t do the right thing at the appropriate time.”

Ayodele further characterized the move as “medicine after death” and criticized those supporting Obi’s legal challenge as “spiritually blindfolded.” He also emphasized that the current occupant of the presidential seat holds spiritual power surpassing Obi’s and went on to make a bold prediction: “Even in 2027, no Igbo will become president; Obi has missed it.”

As Peter Obi’s legal battle unfolds in the Supreme Court, Primate Ayodele’s pronouncements are sure to cast a shadow of skepticism over the outcome of the proceedings.

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