Peter Obi to Tinubu: Refrain from shuttingdown business owners and focus on economic recovery

Peter Obi to Tinubu: Refrain from shuttingdown business owners and focus on economic recovery

Presidential candidate of the Labour Party during the 2023 general election, Peter Obi, has advised the administration led by President Bola Tinubu to concentrate on revitalizing the country’s struggling economy rather than enforcing stringent measures against business owners.

In a statement posted on his official X account on Saturday, Obi expressed gratitude towards the government for reopening the Abuja store, which had been shut down amidst allegations of excessively high prices on its goods.

Obi criticized the government’s initial decision to close the store, deeming it poorly considered. He urged the Tinubu-led administration to focus on uplifting the nation rather than engaging in actions perceived as harsh and indifferent.

The statement by Obi read, “I have learned of the reopening of Sahad Stores, Abuja, which was previously closed by the Federal Consumer Competition and Protection Commission (FCCPC) on Friday. I appreciate the Commission for reconsidering and promptly reopening the business.

“The closure was not a well-thought-out approach. Looking ahead, I would like to once again advise the government to refrain from further actions that may exacerbate the situation.

“Instead of resorting to measures that portray the administration as uncaring and oblivious to the myriad challenges facing Nigerians, the government should concentrate on rescuing the nation from further decline and fostering economic growth.

“We are witnessing a period where local businesses are shutting down, and foreign investors are losing confidence in our economy due to perceived stagnation and instability.

“More individuals are falling into unemployment and poverty, with the unemployment rate reaching unprecedented levels. Is it wise to take actions that could jeopardize the few remaining businesses and increase unemployment?

“Nigerians are counting on the government, in line with its promises of economic improvement, to provide practical solutions to the pressing issues of inflation, hunger, poverty, and insecurity.

“The widespread complaints from citizens across various states regarding the rising cost of living should prompt the government to take tangible steps to alleviate the suffering of the people. Shutting down established businesses over alleged offenses is not the solution to our economic woes.

“In a thriving economy with ample supply of goods and services, issues such as hoarding and price disparities, as discussed, would be non-existent. This is because healthy competition would naturally regulate prices. Rather than focusing on price fixing, the government can concentrate on building a productive economy that ensures sufficient production of goods and services.

“I urge the government to urgently address the growing hunger crisis in the nation and ensure adequate production of goods and services. Transitioning the nation from a consumption-oriented to a production-driven economy, which has been my vision for the New Nigeria, is imperative now more than ever.”

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