Peter Obi: People Forget That Achievements Of My Successor In Anambra Were Built On What I Did


LAGOS JANUARY 28TH (NEWSRANGERS)-In a recent interview with Vanguard, former Anambra State Governor Peter Obi reflected on his tenure and emphasized the importance of focusing on the present to shape a better tomorrow. Drawing from his experience, Obi addressed the common misconception that improvements credited to his successors were actually a result of the groundwork laid during his tenure.

“People say, when you were there, education was not good; it was when Willy Obiano came that it improved; poverty rating was this. But they forget that it was what I did that improved the ratings,” Obi stated during the interview.

He stressed the need for a concentrated effort on dealing with present challenges and highlighted the significance of prudent governance.

Additionally, Obi expressed a desire to see a significant reduction in the cost of governance across various sectors, advocating for the funds to be redirected towards priority areas. “That is what will be used to measure tomorrow,” he asserted.

The former governor also placed a strong emphasis on tackling corruption, emphasizing that its reduction today is crucial for a more promising future.


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Posted by News Rangers
on Jan 28 2024. Filed under National.
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