Peter Obi donates N5m to charity group in Rivers | News


The 2023 presidential candidate of the Labor Party (LP), Peter Obi, has donated N5 million to the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent De Paul in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Obi donated during the fund a visit to one of the organisation’s centres, the De Marillac Center for Street Children, in Diobu, Port Harcourt on Sunday.

In a Facebook post, Obi said the visit was in continuation of his visits to institutions whose roles are critical to the poor and less privileged in society.

“Over the years, this group has dedicated itself to caring for the poor, abandoned and vulnerable members of society and the sick, especially leprosy, in Nigeria and Africa.

“I went to one of their centres, the De Marillac Center for Street Children in Diobu, Port Harcourt, where they keep and care for the vulnerable children of the society and supported them with a modest donation of N5 million.

“In achieving a safe and productive society, we must effectively care for the future of our children, especially the vulnerable, taking them off the streets and empowering them for the future.

“I thank the Daughters of Charity who through their various charitable activities have continued to make society better,” Obi said.

The former governor of Anambra encouraged other well-meaning Nigerians and donor agencies to join this good cause, always looking out for the poor and the less privileged, to help alleviate the ever-increasing burdens on the people.

“I am always committed to any project that will have a positive impact on the society and bring the much desired national development.

“I believe that by investing in the lives of these vulnerable children, we will give them a better future and enable them to succeed and contribute effectively to a New Nigeria,” Obi said.

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