Peter Obi criticizes excessive Nigerian government’s delegation expenses at COP28 »


Peter Obi, the Labour Party’s presidential candidate in the 2023 elections, has raised concerns over Nigeria’s massive delegation and expenses at the ongoing COP28 in Dubai. 

He criticized the allocation of resources, pointing out that the delegation, matching China’s numbers, needed to be more balanced in light of Nigeria’s economic challenges and prevalent poverty.

Obi highlighted the stark contrast between China and Nigeria regarding budget allocation for delegates attending COP28. 

He expressed dismay over the composition of the Nigerian delegation, noting that a majority lacked relevance to climate change discussions. 

He pointed out that many members were non-relevant civil servants or individuals connected to high-ranking government officials, lacking understanding or involvement in climate change matters.

Obi passionately urged for a refocusing of national priorities, emphasizing the urgent need to shift away from unnecessary ceremonial spending and extravagant displays. 

He stressed the necessity of redirecting resources toward productivity, poverty alleviation, and targeted investments aligned with pressing national needs.

He added: ”This huge contingent is out at public expense at a time when most Nigerians can hardly afford food and basic needs as a result of economic hardship. 

”I pray earnestly that a day will come soon enough when we can focus on competing with China on productivity and the miracle of migrating the highest number of its citizens out of poverty over a relatively short time. 

”As we have kept emphasizing, we must stop waste as a tradition of our government and nation. We urgently need to cut the cost of governance and invest in production.

”We need to de-emphasize unnecessary ceremony and showmanship as a mode of government behaviour. We need to tie spending to necessity and national Priority. A New Nigeria is possible. We only need to do the reasonable and the necessary.”

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