PDP Primaries in Edo State: Assessing Philip Shaibu's Prospects


As the political fervour intensifies in Edo State, residents are eagerly awaiting the upcoming primaries of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), scheduled for tomorrow, February 22, 2024. With the spotlight squarely on the contest, all eyes are on the candidates vying for the party’s ticket, including the incumbent deputy governor, Philip Shaibu.

In Edo North, the hometown of Philip Shaibu, anticipation is palpable as residents contemplate the potential outcomes of the primaries. For many, there is a sense of hope that Shaibu will build upon the legacy of former Governor Adams Oshiomole, under whose leadership the state witnessed significant development. They see Shaibu as a candidate capable of continuing Oshiomole’s initiatives and delivering tangible progress for the people of Edo State.

However, amidst the anticipation, there are also voices calling for effective governance and performance, irrespective of the candidate who emerges victorious. Residents emphasise the importance of electing a leader who will prioritise the needs of the people and work tirelessly to address pressing issues facing the state.

Our correspondent, Bernard Akede, ventured into Auchi, Shaibu’s hometown in Edo State, to gauge the sentiments and expectations of the residents. Through insightful conversations, it became evident that there is a collective desire for leadership that is responsive, accountable, and committed to driving positive change in the state.

As the countdown to the PDP primaries continues, the political landscape in Edo State remains dynamic and charged with anticipation. The outcome of the primaries will not only shape the trajectory of the PDP’s candidature but also have far-reaching implications for the future direction of governance in the state. With residents actively engaged and voices echoing calls for effective leadership, the stage is set for a pivotal moment in Edo’s political journey.

Hosts: Osarogie Ogbonmwan & Olive Emodi

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