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  1. I again celebrate with you on your inauguration. I send my warm greetings to all the dignitaries present here. Mr. Govornor, my counsel to you in your new office is that all you shall do, must reflect the wishes of the people. Every Mountain I went, I have their names and would be visiting the soonest. As, you are about to commence your reign, don't forget the reason why I and my people supported yourself and your people.

  2. Congratulation my peoples gov His Excellent Adeleke ,I pray God will guide you alright and tenure shall peaceful.Pls don't forget to payhalf salary
    workers arrears of 32 months owed by ex gov aregbesola.Doing this as a matter of urgency will prove you match your words with action.Thank you Mr Gov.

  3. I don't know why some of our people still carry this SLAVERY & COLONIAL MENTALITY around in this century…

    What is special about English language?

    With all honesty, I BLAME THE GOVERNOR… If I wee him, my speech would have been read in YORUBA language!!!

    Kindly go to the well developed countries like Germany, France, China, Korean, UAE, India, Brazil and more. Some of their presidents, PM, governors and celebs don't even understand English at all, let alone speaking English.

    Even the almighty Lionnel Messi don't speak nor understand English, yet he's been celebrated throughout the world.

    It's high time we begin to promote our culture and our own!

  4. congratulation oga nur jackson. i hope it will be dancing and celebrations in osun state? i hope to upload your dance move on tiktok on your performance, put if you fuck up, thunder go fire you. ler dancing galala in osun! yeaaaaa!!

  5. Congratulations Adeleke. Remember that your ppl voted for you and not your party. You are loved by the masses just like PO. I wish you all the best and look forward to you fulfilling all that you have stated in your to do list. I believe youโ€™d give it a good go cos your passion to restore Osun is enormous. You will succeed by the grace of God because your intentions are pure. Go on and get it DONE โœ…

  6. You just gats to love him. He oozes love and happiness from within. Anyone who doesnโ€™t love this man or have a sense of relief and happiness just listening to him needs Devine interventions with their depression.

  7. Congratulations Adeleke.
    Remember good name is better than sacrifice.
    People that love you voted for you for better state. State with stable electricity supply, good local and major roads, standard hospitals with standard medicines, jobs for jobless people, regular payments of workers, standard security for life and properites, education for the for our children and many more for better state.
    Make sure you fulfil all what you promised.
    Fear God and do the needful.
    God almighty will touch your heart to do the needful for people of Osun state.

  8. thanks mr governor i pray you fulfil all your promises, the second issue is that if you speak in english pls sir with due respect sir try to speak in yoruba language also cause is not everyone of us hear and speak english and for the sake of our old fathers and mothers ///……..,,,,,,,,,yours faithfully mr president …

  9. Good luck, but please let your days be dedicated towards the Liberation/Independence of the Yoruba/Oduduwa nation working together with Biafrans.
    Anything less is Failure and Suicidal.


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