Obi Emphasizes Importance Of Integrity, Accountability In Governance – National Network


Former governor of Anambra State and Presidential Candidate of Labour Party in the last general election, Mr. Peter Obi has called for prayers for the leadership of the country, emphasizing the importance of integrity and accountability in governance.

Speaking at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, Ubima on Saturday during the funeral service of late Ezinne Cecilia Wahia Omehia, mother of former governor Celestine Omehia, Obi urged leaders to have the heart to use the people’s money to develop the people.

“It’s important that we work together as a people . It’s important that we care for the people”, he said as his appearance in the church caused a stir.

He went on: “May I on behalf of my family, condole this family and continue to urge my brother Celestine that we all continue to work together as a family and as a people and care for the people”.

Echoing Mama Omehia’s legacy of honesty and compassion, Peter Obi stressed the need for leaders to prioritize the well-being of their constituents above personal gain.

Amid intermittent applause, Obi addressed the congregation: “And let me make a request from all of you to pray for us politicians . Your prayer points should always be for God to touch our hearts to use public money for public good”.

As the ceremony unfolded, tributes poured in from far and wide, highlighting Mama Omehia’s unwavering dedication to her community and commitment to justice and fairness.

In his sermon, Rev Fr. Polycap Henetu bemoaned the erosion of maternal values in society, contrasting it with the admirable example of Ezinne Omehia, who epitomized virtuous motherhood by instilling essential values in her children.

“We are witnessing a trend where some mothers prioritize social media popularity, finding joy solely in their follower count, while neglecting their fundamental roles. They opt for outsourcing household tasks, indulging in superficial beauty rituals, and avoiding familial responsibilities.

“This woman was not just called Ezinne by name. The ‘Ezinneness’ was evident in the ordinariness of her character. So, I urge mothers to learn to be disciplined, patterned and organized as exemplified by Mama Omehia”.

Several dignitaries paid their respects at the funeral service, including former Rivers State governor, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, former deputy governor, Engr. Tele Ikuru and his wife, Dr. Mina Ikuru, as well as Rt. Hon. Austin Opara, Prince Uche Seconds, Dr. Dakuku Peterside, Sen. Lee Maeba, Sen. Andrew Uchendu, Sen. Uçhe Ekwunife, Dr. Abiye Sekibo, and Odein Ajumogobia, SAN.

Also in attendance were former President of the NBA, Okey Wali, SAN, Wilcox Abereton, SAN, Hon. Justice Peter Agumagu, Hon. Justice George Omereji (Rtd.), HRM Eze Chike Wodi, and Mr. Sodi Peterside, among others.

Later at the country home of Sir Celestine Omehia, Governor Siminialayi Fubara accompanied by some elders of the State, visited to offer condolences for the loss of his mother, Ezinne Cecilia Omehia, who was laid to rest at 95.

Fubara emphasized the importance of unity in the state and condemned divisive politics.

Sir Omehia, expressing gratitude for the support, vowed to uphold his mother’s legacy and declared his loyalty to Governor Fubara’s leadership.

He highlighted the widespread support for the administration and urged continued efforts towards good governance and prosperity.

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