Nnewi Afia Olu Festival 2022 || Anambra Nigeria


Afia Olu Festival (New Yam Festival) is one of the most popular and entertaining festival in Igbo land, It is a four days festival celebrated in August to mark the end of harvest season.

#igbo #festival #afialou #nnewi #anambra #africa #ajofiannewi



  1. is there any power in African traditions Masquerade? if yes, how can Nigerian citizens benefit from several masked dancers embodying various spirits? what development can we achieve from the spirits? we need good roads, good education, job opportunities, and good hospitals in our country Nigeria, just the way UK and USA have developed and help their citizens.

  2. First save ur lives, Traditions and customs, secure ur Land & ur Peoples, Demanding serious accountabilities from ur misleaders »» States & local councils monthly. False N!g was forced on Us, setup on ROTTEN foundation against Indigenous Land Owners. Now rebuilding's a MUST. Not "elections or selections" >> https://youtu.be/ZyZINpckIJo
    Wisdom speaks ~ heed & Act NOW*
    https://youtu.be/dl3aLFUqjEo >> Unity & Demand ur Rights / Respect from ur leaders monthly » IMPORTANT. Peaceful Revolts Possible*.

  3. Cawana ahay waisgeyna adna wakucejinaa ninki faciis loxiray adna sooqoyso siyasa amerikan madoow falus amerikan ushaqeyo lacagta iskukin direysa amanla anta sababtay rais amerikan kadhigtay rais sacudi aba adiga aba anaga madax ladirir mamul ladirir boqora cusub boqortoyada kudhinac dhisanta sixukun awod qeybsi lohelo aqir madow halkanoo imana isaga dhisay nin carab madow miya yiri dadku waa cara cad cara gadud cara madoow marki ruux cara cad lalamurmo agtada soofarista wadanka inuu kuaqonsanyahay sida carabta amerikana lacagaha xajka kushuban fisaha wadankuda iney uogoladen wadankis somali manaqano dhahan waninke udarantahay

  4. See the ignorance of Igbo people who carry the name Chukwu, yet will come here and tell us this culture in the video is not of God. If that's the case, please change your name to Peter or Paul. Such ignorant people.


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