Nigeria's Katsina State Governor, Ibrahim Shema


Nigeria’s Katsina State – the home of agriculture. It’s one of the country’s northern-most states, close to Niger. And we welcome it’s Governor, Ibrahim Shema. Katsina is well-known for its agriculture and now the state government has a series of programs focussing on expanding economic opportunities in the agricultural sub-sector, especially for women and youth.



  1. The main problem of mechanization in our country is the fragmentation of land. As well meaning as our governor is he cannot make any progress towards mechanization unless he esrolve this issue .

  2. The main problem of mechanization in our country is the fragmentation of land. As well meaning as our governor is he cannot make any progress towards mechanization unless he acquire enough land from the Katsina natives who hoards land. There are landowners in developed countries too but land is always made available for agriculture..

  3. Nothing he did from all that he have made the mentioned. Farmers in Katsina state are getting it so hard before to own one bag of fertilizer. Central Bank have just approved one billion Naira to support farmers in katsina state very unfortunate the governor gave out the money to his political thugs. Those are not farmers, they own no land, only they help him to rigged the election. The money were only embezzled! Shame to the leaders who are self-centered!

  4. In fact to appreciate the privilleges you are blessed with, you need to look at around, i do not have to say much, but God knows most and i pray for his guidance and support to be upon our dear and beloved governor, amin.

  5. Lies! Lies!! Lies!!! Agriculture is a neglected sector in Katsina State. Don't let any corporate lair tell you any different. They are just stealing the money and feeding the world with lies to cover up their corrupt atrocities.


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